Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

A man has launched a petition pushing for a favourite Aussie ice-cream to be changed due to its ‘offensive’ and ‘outdated’ name.


There are calls to change the name of the renowned Golden Gaytime amid concerns it is offensive to Australia’s gay community.

Australian man, known only as Brian Mc, launched the petition online earlier in the month and has since gone to war with ice-cream giant Streets and its parent company Unilever.

The petition has gathered more than 800 signatures so far.

Mr Mc described the name of the ice cream, which was first released in 1959, as “outdated” and “offensive” and is calling for the term “gay” to be banished from its title.

“As a part of the LGBTQIA+ community I believe my sexual identity is owned by me, not a brand and that the outdated meaning no longer applies. Isn’t it time for this double entendre to end?” he said in the notes below the petition. 


What a princess you are, Brian Mc! It's not about your gender, and it's not about you!


The ice-cream "Golden Gaytime" was around long before the term "LGBTQIA+" was coined.

Get over yourself!

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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

Gay means happy, regardless of who has stolen the term. I think this homosexual man may just want to be in the spotlight.  Too much!

Message 2 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

Next it will be white and dark chocolate. I would think it wound be an honor to have an ice cream named after my crowd.


After all...


"Life is like an ice-cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time." Charles M. Schulz

Message 3 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

Did the gay community think of all the people (OK, all the women) called Gay when they 'appropriated' it for their use??

Message 4 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

This is all getting out of hand, have we all really become this precious, I seriously think these people need help if all they can do with their time is come up with tripe like this.

Lucky they don't have any real first world problems to sort out I guess (or a life)

Fine example for birth control IMO

Message 5 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

He asks 'Isn't it time for this double entendre to end?

Sure is.

From now on, homosexuality or whatever should be known by the express terms, not 'gay'.

Message 6 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

I just googled 'politically incorrect brand names' and got this link - serioiusly this is laughable. Most of it is USA but our very own Coon Cheese made the list


and that's only 'racist' brands, haven't even touched on the 'gender' issue, and whatever other issues they can dream up, must be costing companys a fortune in rebranding


As for Gay meaning happy ?? Hardly warrants a mention in the dictionary anymore:


Message 7 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

I hesitate to select a golden gaytime sometimes 🤔

Signatures suck.
Message 8 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

I have an old cartoon from Punch magazine.  It is a reprint from the late 1800s I think.  It shows two women in the street and one says to the other (who looks somewhat slovenly), something along the line of "So how long have you been gay?"  In those days 'gay' meant something quite different.  She was asking her friend how long she had been a prostitute. 

Message 9 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

I never knew that was a term for a prostitute, learn something every day LOL

Message 10 of 15
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