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Labor Party Lobbyist Facing Child-Sex Charges Found Dead

A former Labor Party lobbyist has been found dead in his East Melbourne home after being charged by police with entering an agreement for child sex services. The body of Andres Puig, the former assistant secretary of the state Labor Party and former ...

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OMG what a mess this is

Has ebay gone completely mad with this so called update or is it a serious attempt to shut the place down.?IMO Primary school kids could have done better. Is Ebay in its final dying days ?

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Resolved! 4 day Music Challenge - Theme is: Birds

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Birds Ends on Monday 29th March in the afternoon.The poster of the song that receives the most 'helpfuls' at the end of the challenge, wins the round The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the ...

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NEW FORUM LAYOUT: yes, it's ghastly, but there are some ways of getting around the worst issues

The problems with this board layout (from my perspective - and I'd be glad to see other posters include the issues that irk them) are: The whiteness and lack of use of "real estate" on the page (which makes it very stark and possibly difficult to vie...

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A bit Of Toilet Humour

A bit of toilet humour to cheer you all up. I wrote this in response to a prank photo that circulated showing empty shelves in Busselton Library . The Literary Dunny You’ve heard no doubt, the news aboutThe current bog roll panic,With fights in shops...


Floods are subsiding.. now what ? Mandate houses in flood plans be elevated ?, build higher levy banks ? Relocate people permanently ? Do nothing ?

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Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

A man has launched a petition pushing for a favourite Aussie ice-cream to be changed due to its ‘offensive’ and ‘outdated’ name. There are calls to change the name of the renowned Golden Gaytime amid concerns it is offensive to Australia’s gay commun...

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Resolved! 4 Day Music Challenge: Theme is Grey/Silver

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is: Grey/Silver Ends on Friday: March 26th (evening).The poster of the song that receives the most kudos at the end of the challenge, wins the roundThe winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner...

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I am so sad....

I just saw an ad with Antonio Banderas. A chewing gum add.. He looked awful, thin flat hair (you would think they could have done something with it), just icky overall. I used to adore him :_|