Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

A man has launched a petition pushing for a favourite Aussie ice-cream to be changed due to its ‘offensive’ and ‘outdated’ name.


There are calls to change the name of the renowned Golden Gaytime amid concerns it is offensive to Australia’s gay community.

Australian man, known only as Brian Mc, launched the petition online earlier in the month and has since gone to war with ice-cream giant Streets and its parent company Unilever.

The petition has gathered more than 800 signatures so far.

Mr Mc described the name of the ice cream, which was first released in 1959, as “outdated” and “offensive” and is calling for the term “gay” to be banished from its title.

“As a part of the LGBTQIA+ community I believe my sexual identity is owned by me, not a brand and that the outdated meaning no longer applies. Isn’t it time for this double entendre to end?” he said in the notes below the petition. 


What a princess you are, Brian Mc! It's not about your gender, and it's not about you!


The ice-cream "Golden Gaytime" was around long before the term "LGBTQIA+" was coined.

Get over yourself!

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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

Message 11 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

Idiot - PML the minute I saw what it was 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

it is a nice ice cream

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

It is horder, and I would think perhaps it more likely that Gaytime should be suing the LBGQT movement/community over stealing part of thier branding - not to mention the Oxford dictionary who were forced to add to thier definitiion of the word Gay

A strange world we live in, whereby the 'original owners' so to speak are taken to task for the theft of thier own word LOL

Message 14 of 15
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Re: Golden Gaytime "Offensive"

@dvd.horder wrote:

it is a nice ice cream

You reckon? I thought it had a bit of a queer flavor. 🙄

Message 15 of 15
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