Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence

Community Member

JULIA Gillard has always clung to education as the fig leaf to hide her incompetence.

That fig leaf was shredded in Parliament this week when Labor – with the connivance of Rob Oakeshott, whose supine loyalty to his Labor masters is such that he should never in honesty be referred to as an Independent – gagged debate on education to force through its half-baked Education Bill.

There was less than 90 minutes debate before Oakeshott rose to end the proceedings.

The 71 pages of amendments constituting Labor’s entire new school funding model, tabled late Tuesday, were forced through the House of Representatives despite the best efforts of the Opposition.

“The motion to shut down debate was moved on behalf of Labor by the Member for Lyne, Robert Oakeshott, who has abandoned any notion of proper scrutiny and any pretence of independence,” Christopher Pyne, the shadow education minister said.

“This Bill hinges on there being a national agreement for school funding. There is no national agreement, with only one State and one Territory agreeing to the changes.”

“Victoria, Queensland and the Northern Territory Governments did not allocate any funding for these changes in their Budgets,” he said.

Yesterday, Gillard took Dorothy Dix questions from her side of parliament and gushed nonsense about the unfunded Gonski plan that had been ramrodded through the House.

She didn’t mention the new means test that will apply to parents who choose to use independent schools.

She didn’t mention the new hit-list for independent schools.


She didn’t mention that the pages and pages of amendments had not been properly debated.

That the Gillard government is a farce is well-known but its disrespect for parliamentary process shows an absolute contempt for the Australian people.

Labor says its Bill paves the way for a stronger, fairer delivery of education – it does nothing of the sort.

It is just another wealth redistribution program with the beneficiaries being members of the education union who provide election funding to Labor MPs.

In reality, there is no national agreement on school funding, as Pyne pointed out, because only one State and one Territory have agreed to the Gonski changes.

Victoria, Queensland and the Northern Territory Governments did not allocate any funding for these changes in their Budgets.

The Labor Government in South Australia has not allocated any funding in their Budget for these changes, and Pyne believes, even if an agreement is signed, there will be no contribution from these jurisdictions.

“For a Labor State to not allocate funding in their Budget would be a vote of no confidence in these changes,” he said.

The Federal Coalition has said all along that it will wait until the June 30 deadline for a national agreement before finalising its position.

With a gross national debt now acknowledged to be in the staggering order of $340 billion, this government is doing nothing but spend.

Gonski, the NDIS, all on borrowed money.


It doesn’t take a university education, even a reform in education, to understand that the nation is broke and that Gillard and Co are responsible for bankrupting the nation.



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Re: Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence

Community Member

Not a single defensive post.. Looks like even the diehard oneyed labor luvvies on here have all given up 


This above is just another example of the sheer contempt Julia and her failed govt think of the proper process of government and parliament...



The gonski is yet another failure for Julia and now one is listening to her any more 

Message 2 of 23
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Re: Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence

The ram rod tactics have been used throughout the tenure of this Feral Government starting with the NBN. The problem as i see it will be a tate a tate in the incoming government, and who can blame them?


the screams will be loud, shrill, blood curdling and never ending.

We will be cast back to the era of the continual industrial dispute in an attempt to grind the country to a standstill out of sheer perversity


Poor my Country 😞

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 3 of 23
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Re: Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence

Not a single defensive post.. Looks like even the diehard oneyed labor luvvies on here have all given up 


This above is just another example of the sheer contempt Julia and her failed govt think of the proper process of government and parliament...



The gonski is yet another failure for Julia and now one is listening to her any more 


Maybe they have you on ignore?

Message 4 of 23
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Re: Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence



Maybe they have you on ignore?


That would be par for the course.

Typical head in the sand, or some other convenient place, attitude that is prevalent with most uninformed people. They are uninformed and that is how they want it 🙂

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 5 of 23
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Re: Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence

Community Member

This is sickening politics at its worst. Labor is good at that but no good on policy & useless on follow through.


All we ever got is thought bubbles & 5 minutes to midnight they ram flawed legislation through & it's just more garbage the Conservatives have to clean up.


Union driven ideology has been this governments touch stone from the day they got in. The 20 million war chest the union used to buy a government has been well repaid. That in itself is crooked & corrupt & should not be allowed.


They have re regulated the work force  back to the 70's, undone all Hawke & Keatings reforms & now the ordinary people can't even afford child care because they have meddled so much they even have to have a university educated teacher for infants.


Just imagine the worst possible scenario: Labor win the Sept election, Gillard dumped & the uneducated union hack Shorten gets the top job. It doesn't bear even thinking about. This is what is facing Australia, this is the doomsday catastrophe we could get it TA doesn't pull it off.

Message 6 of 23
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Re: Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence

Not a single defensive post.. Looks like even the diehard oneyed labor luvvies on here have all given up 


This above is just another example of the sheer contempt Julia and her failed govt think of the proper process of government and parliament...



The gonski is yet another failure for Julia and now one is listening to her any more 




Ha ha ha they've all blocked you DUH!

Message 7 of 23
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Re: Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence

calling all fellow participants in a discussion 'labor luvvies' , is not a freezing out method also?...


not being able to post your own view and discuss a topic like an adult would prevent many from responding. seriously who wants to debate a copy and paste?....arent your own thoughts and words good enough?

Message 8 of 23
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Re: Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence

If I want a one sided debate with a liberal supporter I will do so with my husband. Oh that is right Liberal supporters do not debate. Name calling is much better.

Message 9 of 23
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Re: Gonski exposes Gillard’s mendacious incompetence

Community Member

The failures of Labor are shown here every day. I have posted my opinion of this & have been reported because the left can't take it, I get accused of lying & hysteria, of making up argument & all other manner of insult.


The reason the left get so bent is they know that what is being posted is what they can't stomach, makes them afraid & develop phobias about the loss of power for Labor & the ascendency of Conservatives.The hatred for TA is palpable now & he's not even in power.


The most ardent criticisers of Gillard/Swan/Rudd & what has happened to the Labor party is perpetrated by their own side. They are openly in revolt, lambasting & ridiculing their leader & nobody takes Swan seriously.


A lot of the c&p are pertinent & relevant to the situation Labor now find themselves in & the scoffing & disbelief of any print criticism by the left has been their stock in trade from the moment a detractor posted.


The one liner insults & slimy snipes, endless cartoons & thread hijacks have been used to the limit, the reporting has been ridiculous & if any poster dares to reply to defend themselves they are soon slapped out. 


I have never seen a post from the left on herethat tries to explain away the criticisms, never seen an opinion to back themselves up. All I see are numerous c&p & many snipes but no real opinion piece.

Message 10 of 23
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