Good Morning


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Re: Good Morning


Message 8011 of 8,034
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Re: Good Morning

Hi Rosie and Tas good to hear you are still kicking, have a good lunch.

Last two days have been above 40 and with black out's because our useless state government cant run the stste


Message 8012 of 8,034
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Re: Good Morning

Hiya hawk,

Heard they were intentional outages to prevent overloading parts of the system.

Dangerous for the elderly in those temps.

You would think in this day n age any unexpecteds are catered for.


Hope you are both well. Smiley Happy

image host
Message 8013 of 8,034
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Re: Good Morning

Hello Hawk, so good to see you here again.


It must be a dreadful situation with all the blackouts going on, especially with the heatwave temperatures, almost unbearable, I'm so sorry that you and the whole State is going through this and making life miserable.


Here though, we're having something of a 'wintry' summer which I like being used to below zero temperature winters back home, but others here are finding it really strange and I suppose it is.


Hope it gets better and things improve for SA really soon, you deserve so much better.



Message 8014 of 8,034
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Re: Good Morning

Hi Coops and Tas

We are OK for power as we are rural and they always hit the smaller high useage areas so it looks better than half the state being turned off.

The problem comes from our state government who want to be 100% green and while they have gas fired power stations they refuse to use them, any one with half a brain knew this heat was coming and  have had them ready to fire up. they seem to have no back up plan at all.

I am OK as I have a generator that will keep fridges running and even the aircon, plus I have all the 12v gear from the caravan that will run for ages on battery plus a couple of solar panels so all is good here.

A friend lost some very expensive medication during the last power outage that lasted for days here, some parts of the state were.out for a week, he has since bought a generator.

add what people lost in their fridges and freezers and what business lost and the risk to people's health that need power to run medical devices at home
 when in this age the people and shops have to have back up generators, our state is a joke.

we are now into day 3 of over 40 and tomorrow a cool change, its only going to be 36 lol

Message 8015 of 8,034
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Re: Good Morning

Hawk that is shocking, I think it is the worst summer here in nz always seems to be a cold wind.

We have had a few hot days but for February it is colder.


I have been in WA at 40 but sitting in Aircon when it got to bad.


I hope the people who need power for their medical needs are being looked after.

Message 8016 of 8,034
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Re: Good Morning

@lionrose.7 wrote:


I hope the people who need power for their medical needs are being looked after.

sadly no one is looking after the elderly and sick because our state government just dont care about the people.

There were more power black outs last night and again today.

All they have to do is fire up the gas powered power stations that are sitting there doing nothing

Message 8017 of 8,034
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Re: Good Morning

Community Member

just been for a wander down memory lane,,, gosh we were a friendly chatty bunch.


blackcatt if you ever wander by for a lurk and a read - i hope all is good in your world and you are well.  🙂

Message 8018 of 8,034
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Re: Good Morning


haha got ya

Message 8019 of 8,034
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Re: Good Morning

Hi hawk nice to see you 🙂

Message 8020 of 8,034
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