Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

just heard a breaking news story on ABC radio saying the NSW govt will ban greyhound racing as of mid next year.


as an owner of an ex racer but not in nsw i will watch with great interest this story as it unfolds.

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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

@davidc4430 wrote:

@***super_nova*** wrote:

@davidc4430 wrote:

has anyone argued that greyhounds dont like running?


you keep saying racing them is cruel.  There are cruel aspects in the racing, which can be dealt with, but the actual race is not cruel.


@davidc4430 wrote:

there is a difference between a dog getting hurt when running around on a property, possibly chasing a rabbit or just running for the fun of it, and getting injured during a race.


 in facy here its only me saying greyhounds getting injured isnt an accident, its a very forseeable outcome of 8 dogs racing as fast as they can in close formation.

No there is no difference; in both instances the dog is doing something that he loves. 


Some info for you to read:

I am not sure why you think that there are 8 dogs racing, I only ever seen 6 starting boxes; maybe somewhere o/s they have more.


have i said racing greyhounds is cruel, i hope i did as it is. if you are unable to see a difference between 8 - 10 dogs racing flat our around a track all trying to catch the same 'lure' and several dogs frolicking around a paddock or on a beach well theres no hope for you is there?


where do i get the 8 dogs racing from, well from the greyhound racings own website for 'box draws'

heres a link

Well it's pretty obvious you have never watched a greyhound race. Only 6 dogs run the 4 remainder that are 'drawn" are reserves and are introduced only of there are scratchings from the field of 6..

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 161 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

OMG! i got it wrong, i said 8 and its actually 6.


so what?


have i ever argued its the number of dogs in a race thats the reason i want the greyhound industry shut down?




its the killing of thousands, yes THOUSANDS!!!!!!!, of healthy dogs that are """WASTAGE!!!!!!!!""" that i'm pointing to.


why do those who see no problem with the KILLING of HEALTHY DOGS so they can play race the doggy keep steering the argument away from the KILLING of THOUSANDS of HEALTHY greyhounds in the pursuit of WINNING dogs?


MAYBE because you cant argue with the KNOWN TRUTH so you must CHANGE the argument to DISCREDIT anyone with the view the GREYHOUND INDUSTRY cannot change and cannot be trusted with the CARE of the dogs in their industry.

Message 162 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

 wastage; noun: natural wastage; plural noun: natural wastages

  1. 1.
    the action or process of losing or destroying something by using it carelessly or extravagantly.


MORE than a quarter of a million healthy cats and dogs are destroyed in Australia every year because there are not enough homes for them.


The pet industry...all tarred with the same brush.

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 163 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

@colic2bullsgirlore wrote:

 wastage; noun: natural wastage; plural noun: natural wastages

  1. 1.
    the action or process of losing or destroying something by using it carelessly or extravagantly.


MORE than a quarter of a million healthy cats and dogs are destroyed in Australia every year because there are not enough homes for them.


The pet industry...all tarred with the same brush.

i cant totally agree here on your issue,


yes the figures of dog and cat deaths is definately terrible but very little of it is by 'the pet industry' i call registered breeders and pet shops as 'the industry'


where i see the problem with 'pets' is in the general breeding by the public, its been way too easy to get a non desexed pet for way too long and then by sheer laziness to allow that undesexed pet reproduce.


no cat or dog should be able to be 1. sold or 2. given away unless desexed and microchipped. by any means, not advertised, not put on a local trading board not even given to a family member/friend.


every cat and dog presented to a veternarian for any treatment should by law be scanned for a chip and if no chip is found either a chip is planted before the animal is returned to the owner or the animal is surrendered. when implanting a chip the cat or dog must be checked for desexing and if undesexed must be desexed before the owner gets the animal back. if an animal is not chipped i doubt it was ever desexed'


i believe given time with these simple laws eventually excess deaths in the pet area will greatly diminish.

Message 164 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

For my two cents worth, the only problem I can see with shutting down the industry everywhere (apart from many losing their livelihoods, which I'm sure they can find other ways to make money...) is losing such an amazing breed of dog.  I fear that if the industry gets shut down all together, then we will see greyhounds slowly dissappear.  Or maybe I'm wrong, I havent looked up any greyhound breeders that sell for pets... 


On a side note; the whole breeding regulations seem a bit pointless, as c2b said earlier so many pets are still being disposed of each year.  Clearly all those regulations arent changing the attitude of pet owners.  


I personally cant stand people who get a pet just because they are a purebred *insert specialised breed here*  It's using the animal as a status symbol or because they are cute as babies... Similar types of people who give pets as presents have no idea about a pet being for life. I have equal contempt for breeders who just know they can make thousands from purebred puppies so they use these animals as incubators.  Some may follow up but I'd say most dont even think twice after the puppy has been sold and they have their $$.


I personally have had many animals throughout my life and I have never paid a cent for any of them... All of them I have saved in one way or another.  And I know there are many other people like me who are the ones who take on someone elses responsibility...

Message 165 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

not having a go at you but did you read my last post?

the pet problem has been with us for way way too long. we dont have uniform laws accross australia regarding the sale or giving away of pets so how do we control the problem if we dont do it with national plan?


i too would not like to see the greyhound breed disapear or become a dog only the very wealthy can own as is the situation of many burebred dogs. but i cant condone the cruel practice of destroying thousands of healthy greyhounds just so i can have a cheap exracer as a pet.


i have only owned 2 bruebred dogs, my greyhound and a beagle.


my beagle only lived for 3 years as at that age she developed a problem in her spinal cord between the shoulder blades and was unable to be cured. putting a loved animal to sleep so young really put me off purebred dogs. however i'm sure thousands of purebred dogs every year are born, sold and live very happy healthy lives. i didnt buy the beagle for a status symbol, i just liked the breed.


i do own a purebred cat, a burmese, ive had 3 burmese and 2 scottish fold cats. however couldnt call any of them 'status' pets as they all lived indoors for their entire lives and besides the vet and maybe anyone sitting in the vets waiting room on the very rare times i took them there (yearly checkups/vax) no one would know i have a burebred cat.


do i like paying $800 for a kitten? no of course not, but i love burmese cats. i'm not here to advertise.


i think unfortunately for every good owner of the free or very cheap pet there are 10 who just dont care what their pets do or where they go once they are not little anymore.


where i live there are at leat 2 homes that at least once a year get new kittens and once they reach adult age are let roam free. one of these homes also do the dog thing, buy a cute puppy, be out walking it regularly for the first 6 months then gradualy the walks drop off until the dog is left tied up all day barking at every car that passes. then comes the hitting when its barking when they are home. rolled up newspapers or thongs.


why dont i report these things, because i have to live here and if these people found out it was me who told it would not be good for me.

Message 166 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

@davidc4430 wrote:

OMG! i got it wrong, i said 8 and its actually 6.


David it is eight dogs that can race, you were not wrong, others seem to be trying to go off topic.


Not sure what happens in whoop whoop or the middle of nowhere where they may ignore industry rules and make up their own (including for the purpose of a thread like this) but the national standard is up to eight in a race.  There is also up to two reserves that may take the place of dogs that are scratched. 


As you pointed out earlier this is easily confirmed through any search of published results. 


Did you read the industry association response to the shut down ?  IMO speaks volumes as to why the industry is where it is - ignorant, self rightous and clueless to relevant mainstream community expecations on many fronts..






Message 168 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

thank you for letting me know that it can be 8 dogs in a race.


i admit i have never been to a greyhound race in my life, i know very little about the racing side of greyhounds.


before adoptin 'FOO' my exracer i knew absolutly nothing about greyhound racing and until the live baiting scandle thought it was an ok industry.


since that story broke just about everything ive learnt about the industry disgusts me.


i'm sick of people saying its a good industry with just a few 'bad apples'


no, its an industry built on breeding dogs to race and if they couldnt race killing them.


the rehoming is very recent attempt to avoid scrutiny, before the various GAP groups and other greyhound rehoming groups i would think some would have been given away if a owner/trainer really wanted to see a top dog not put down.

my knowledge of greyhounds was that as they had to be muzzeld at all times when in public the public didnt find them attractive as pets.

the GAP testing for suitability to unmuzzeld in public must be comended as it must be the number 1 reason rehoming is at all successful.


the industry response to the shut down worrys me as although they are producing percentages, eg: they clain to have reduced breeding by 45% in the past year. they are not giving numbers, how many is 45% of what?


we, the public dont know how many dogs are bred each year, before the live baiting story and now.


we dont know how many are being rehomed, or how many were being rehomed before the live baiting story.


this industry refuses to give out any real numbers, i believe those numbers would kill the industry dead over night.


cant see any other reason for not releasing the real numbers.

Message 169 of 215
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Greyhound Racing Banned in NSW

I don't think the industry is even across the depth and breadth of the issues - too busy covering up and fighting to survive.


the writing is on the wall though ... Its just not viable without the culling.  


Doggies will never have a race that stops the nation. 



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