Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

Harvey Weinstein: Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie join flood of allegations; Hillary Clinton 'appalled'




What is it with women?


NOW your saying all these things about the guy?


Where were you before the S**T hit the fan?


not saying hes not a creep, just i hate when AFTER someone gets outed then they come out of the woodwork saying "yes, i know hes a really bad man"


its like Bill Cosby and Rolf Harris all over again.


any "STAR" who now comes out and says they knew of this guys sexual power trips before he was sacked and it hit the the front pages has no credibility IMO!

Message 1 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

@springyzone wrote:

I'm wondering how many other high profile people out there are suddenly worrying about their past behaviour.


I remember watching a show some years ago which I think was a paparazzi show. From some distance they showed (who was supposed to be) a very high profile and aging actor groping a young woman in a covered walkway. But he has a reputation as a lady's man and is renowned for his womanising. If anything he was admired for his behaviour. But suddenly people may feel differently about him too. In a respect Hollywood seems to celebrate these types and may have to think a bit more carefully about their culture.

Message 21 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

Harvey Weinstein investigated over alleged London sexual assault in 1980s, Kate Beckinsale joins accusers




So now Kate B adds her name to the list...hmmm


so your 17, just a kid really, and you go to a hotel (alone) to meet a big movie producer?

where you are offered booze by this guy who is wearing a bathrobe....hmmm


i take it this meeting wasnt a social meeting, like a date? no, of course not, it was something to do with movies i would suspect.


who set this meeting up? your agent?


so she goes alone to a hotel to meet a movie producer and you dont think thats odd? i dont do movies obviously but in my mind a meeting to talk about being in a movie would happen most likely at your agents office.

but wherever it was there would be more that 2 people there, you sure as hell wouldnt be there on your own.


lets see some proof this meeting ever took place.


this guy in asolutly a creep of the first degree. i'm just struggling with so many unsubstantiated storys. just because kate says it happened doesnt mean it did happen.


btw, i like kates movies, well most of them. she plays a kick ass vampire.


oh, and she says 'he didnt actually do anything but she left feeling uneasy'.....REALLY



Message 22 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

You have obviously never been a young woman applying for a job David.

I never took my Mother or a friend or someone from the Agency when I went for interviews.....and there was more than one occasion when I left the interview feeling that even if I got the job I would not want to work there.

Sure, nothing happened that was reportable, and often it was not the actions of the the interviewer but just an overall sense of unease about the interview and/or the establishment.

Message 23 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

Oh Lordy.

Message 24 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!


While I am interested in this topic, I am struggling to understand some of the issues being raised. Is it being suggested that people who are speaking up now should shut up if they didn't put up at the time? And is there a view that sexual harassment or intimidation must involve physical contact i.e. be overt not covert? Some people have killed themselves because of bullying and harassment and nobody touched them!


Or am I totally off track?

Message 25 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

its just my opinion and i know i'm wrong, ive been told, but i feel like some (not all) of those popping up now with stories or what this creep did to them may not be telling the truth.


quite easy to say something happened in 1980 without providing any evidence


like a diary entry....'today met this slimeball producer in his underwear, i think he was grotesque'

or a friend you told about it at the time, something.


just feels a lot like when Rolf Harris got caught up, suddenly women came along claiming they too had been molested by him.

maybe they were but they couldnt provide any evedence either.


sexual harassment is a very real issue, but making up things just to be 'in the crowd' isnt doing the issue any favours.


i have no idea if all the women suddenly seeing the light and telling their stories are genuine, i really hope none are just making things up in order to be part of the lynch mob.

and yes he does deserve lynching for every genuine case of abuse he committed.

Message 26 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

its actually weird,


rolf harris----harvey weinstein


similar cases


one a loved entertainer the other a creeposoid producer.


i seem to remember many people saying the same as me about rolfs case, how there were women suddenly comming forward to tell theyre stories. but then he was a loved man, childrens entertainer, artist, animal lover.


whereas ol harvey seems to be a lowlife scumbag.


do their lives somehow make us see them differently?

Message 27 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

Message 28 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

read her tweet priviously, its still a story without any real evedence of anything. please let her produce (excuse the term) one person who can say 'yes, kate told me this back in 1980'

Message 29 of 44
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: Me Too!

In a way you've answered your own question. Some women don't speak up at the time because the onus falls on them to provide the witness, the evidence, the proof. But pathological predators pounce when there are no witnesses. I hope more develop the confidence to speak up so this "sick" culture can be fully exposed and dealt with.

Message 30 of 44
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