on 14-10-2014 09:39 AM
on 14-10-2014 09:45 AM
on 14-10-2014 09:55 AM
For those who have not seen
on 14-10-2014 09:55 AM
LOL. A bargain!
on 14-10-2014 09:58 AM
I wonder what I'd get for 3 bengals and a burmese?
on 14-10-2014 10:01 AM
*Drools over the Bengals*, they are just spectacular. How we'd love to get to know them ...
on 14-10-2014 10:03 AM
aren't they just gorgeous!
on 14-10-2014 10:04 AM
They are beautiful.
on 14-10-2014 10:04 AM
on 14-10-2014 10:11 AM
Bengals are different aren't they blue.
Not lap cats, they don't stay still that long lol
Cinders does like to perch on the chair behind me, as in the photo.
Charm has a foot fetish and likes to lay on mine.
When we sit out in the cat enclosure (bench seat) they walk backwards and forwards over my lap.
Mind you they were adults and came from a trauma situation when I got them. They were also quite ill. Not now though.