History will remember Julia Gillard as one of our best PM's

She achieved so much and even though wasn't the most eloquent speaker or a great seller of policies (in my opinion) she was one of the best. I'm sure there must be a tally somewhere comparing her achievements against Tony Abbott's fails somewhere?

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Re: History will remember Julia Gillard as one of our best PM's

Yep, remembered for being part of a circus, one of the reasons why i voted for liberal that time.

Signatures suck.
Message 151 of 157
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Re: History will remember Julia Gillard as one of our best PM's

From your words - basically....................a ditz. 


You either handle the job given - or not.

Message 152 of 157
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Re: History will remember Julia Gillard as one of our best PM's

one of things she achieved and will be remembered for




it was Julia Gillard who launched the inquiry into abuse within the church

Message 153 of 157
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Re: History will remember Julia Gillard as one of our best PM's

@debra9275 wrote:

one of things she achieved and will be remembered for




it was Julia Gillard who launched the inquiry into abuse within the church

Yes, that was a big step forward for Australia!

Message 154 of 157
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Re: History will remember Julia Gillard as one of our best PM's

A big step forward for the victims.
Message 155 of 157
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Re: History will remember Julia Gillard as one of our best PM's

Message 156 of 157
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Re: History will remember Julia Gillard as one of our best PM's

@chameleon54 wrote:

Its interesting to look back now though with four years of hindsight to consider the OP,s comment that Julia Gillards prime ministership will be remembered as one of the most outstanding. Unfortunately history has just lumped her in with Rudd remembering her for the roundabout of political backstabbing that Labor engaged in.


Pity really. As a union rep she was articulate and intelligent and as Australia's first female prime minister she had the potential to leave a legacy for other woman. Unfortunately she allowed herself to get caught up in the feminist misogyny stuff and it all ended up very bitter and twisted.


AND BEFORE all the usuals jump up and down about how unfairly she was treated by the Liberals ( A point I actually agree with ) and Alan Joneses " put her in a bag and drop her at sea stuff " ( just a disgusting way to refer to any PM. ) ... ... it is worth remembering it was the powerful union bosses and backroom Labor boofheads that effectively nuted her Prime Ministership and turned her into a bumbling, ineffective hand puppet. Labor might make the right noises, but at their heart they show no respect for the Woman in their party. Its all a testosterone filled, Boofhead, Bullyboy, Brainless, antagonistic union hack culture.

Sounds a bit the treatment the LNP dealt to Julie Bishop:



"it is worth remembering it was the powerful LNP ,Media Bosses and backroom Liberal/National boofheads that effectively nuted her Prime Ministership ambitions and turned her into a bumbling, ineffective hand puppet. Your LNP cohorts might make the right noises, but at their heart they show no respect for the Woman in their party. Its all a testosterone filled, Boofhead, Bullyboy, Brainless, antagonistic party hack culture".

Message 157 of 157
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