How hard can it be I thought :-D

8 down 4 to go. 

It's only taken me since Tuesday


Catching guinea fowl.

One I have caught 3 times the blardy houdini


So any volunteers my place about 5pm thanks Woman LOL


Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 1 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

hello haven't seen you in ages...................... how have you been...........................  i hope you have some luck in catchinh those birds soon

You are here for a good time
not a long time so enjoy life
Message 21 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

i did too,tcm! and i agree with puddle,i hope they end up regretting it! it's unfortunate for the other neighbors,though. 

channys,i'm so glad you can visit(and yes,keep that baby you saved!). we can visit our feral tribe too,and they all remember us. ๐Ÿ™‚

the lady who reported them regrets it now,the whole neighborhood hates her because nobody can have a garden anymore.

the rabbits,raccoons and possums are back,they eat the gardens,they knock over the trashcans,all kinds of things that my kittehs prevented for years. my neighbors helped us feed them too,before SHE came.

i was thrilled when animal control told her that it was her tough luck there are coons in her yard,maybe she should ask the cat lady down the street for help!

taste my religion! nibble a witch! ๐Ÿ˜„
Message 22 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Love it.


When I first got my bengals a neighbour was convinced that if they got out they would hunt people down and attack them.


Ya gotta shake your head sometimes, because if you don't there's a good chance you might choke the living daylights out of some fool.





BOOTS hello how are you. I am fine.

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 23 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Oh yes the lavender stays. It will be known as my weirdly developed chicken.


Have to laugh. Years ago when Channy was a little tacker someone gave her a rabbit. Rabbits are not allowed in Qld which is where we live.

I intended to find said rabbit a home across the border.


Anyway a woman had come into my yard and noticed the rabbit, so she says that's a rabbit down there, you have a rabbit, you are not allowed to have a rabbit.

I looked her straight in the eye and without out a flich or grimace I said , no no not a rabbit, looks very much like one from a distance though. It's one of those hybrid bred African floppy eared guinea pigs.


Ooooooooooooh she said, looks a bit like a rabbit doesn't it.


The devil made me do it Woman LOL

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 24 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

that is hilarious!!!! 

tell the neighbor that lavender is a lesser prairie chicken that i brought you ALL THE WAY FROM KANSAS!!!  ๐Ÿ˜„

taste my religion! nibble a witch! ๐Ÿ˜„
Message 25 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Will do Woman LOL


You are as evil as I am Woman LOL

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 26 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

oh, definitely! i learned from the master,my da. he could make anyone believe anything! 

i think that's why he loved curtis,my hubby,curtis can STILL do it,after 31+ years,and damfool that i am,sometimes i STILL believe him,lol!

taste my religion! nibble a witch! ๐Ÿ˜„
Message 27 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D

Woman Sad

About now I would have been feeding them while they had little chats to me before they flew up onto their roost sigh.


Next phase I guess. Not sure what that is yet lol


Maybe I should just stick with 'The Flockers"



Minus Rocket of course

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 28 of 29
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Re: How hard can it be I thought :-D


taste my religion! nibble a witch! ๐Ÿ˜„
Message 29 of 29
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