on โ22-11-2014 08:09 PM
on โ23-11-2014 05:43 PM
At least I don't call it Bookspace any more.
on โ23-11-2014 05:57 PM
I used to have over 500, I culled heaps and then someone went into my Facebook...via my daughter's phone (during one of her visits with a family member) which I had used and it looks like it had saved my password. Horrible messages were sent to some friends, dozens were deleted...I watched it unfolding from my desk here at home. I had to change my password and log out all other devices. Thank goodness I realised what was going on after only 10 mins and a friend texting me asking about the abusive message I'd sent her.
Now I only have people on there that I have had or would have to my home. I have enough on my plate already and keeping contact with my real life friends and family and church family is hard enough lol.
It was ridiculous, at one stage I had a friend that I'd gone to kindergarten with that I'd barely remembered, an old boyfriend that I'd dumped because he was a cheating, lying pig...why do I need to know what those people are doing nowadays ?
I'm finding it difficult once again though because alot of people that are wanting my craft items are adding me on Facebook to see what I am working on and what it coming up for release. It is hard to tactfully decline their friend invite. Or perhaps I should start a profile just for customers / fans ?
I now have a grand total of 68 friends...of those only 18 are people that I don't see at least weekly.
on โ23-11-2014 06:00 PM
create a page for your crafting stuff.
on โ23-11-2014 07:34 PM
i have 108 and don't speak to any of them Well not much.
I use FB for the groups - the buy swap and sell and community notices.
I could probably cull but cant be bothered. Loved this one today shared by one of my friends so might keep her.
Amazing Animal fur markings. Loved it
on โ23-11-2014 07:39 PM
*runs in and waves madly back at dixo* โฅ
on โ23-11-2014 07:41 PM
I joined a few of those type of groups the buy swap and sell stuff and they can be fantastic have picked up a few bargains and sold some things, but when they have a barny in them makes this place look like a walk in the park for comparisons on ding dongs.
on โ23-11-2014 08:14 PM
@*pepe wrote:create a page for your crafting stuff.
Yeah, I've done that and that is how I have most of my customers but I also have people that try to add my personal page too. Maybe because I post on there stuff I am working on and I am also working on some "how to" videos.
People just luv me, what can I say LMAO...KIDDING !
on โ23-11-2014 08:49 PM
*Waving waving waving to you*
on โ24-11-2014 09:09 AM
on โ24-11-2014 09:20 AM
Over hundred and lots of cs buddies!!
love a good poke