on 18-05-2015 10:50 PM
on 19-05-2015 05:12 PM
One wonders just what motivates some people. I suppose the ultimate narcissist is the anonymous body sitting at the keyboard with no self awareness of the poison they emit.
on 19-05-2015 05:23 PM
Are you talking to me ?:)
on 19-05-2015 05:38 PM
No iykwim
on 19-05-2015 05:59 PM
Ok yidkwym 🙂
on 19-05-2015 06:06 PM
@the_great_she_elephant wrote:(btw the ira was not religious org. the northern
ireland issue is political not religious )
In Northern Ireland religion IS political and always has been - ever since the confiscation of Catholic held land and the "plantation" by the British Government of English and Scottish protestants in the 17th century'
People who never set foot in church from one year's end to the next still define themselves as Catholics aor Protestants and either parade or protest every 12 July.
and it has generally been accepted that
religion is more of an ethnic marker rather than
religious ideology being the cause of the northern
ireland conflict. where else in the world do you see
catholic vs protestant conflicts?
so that is why it is different to the type of terrorist threat
we are discussing here.
on 19-05-2015 06:41 PM
what am*3 and other anti abbotts fail to
acknowledge is that the deliberate use of
the term 'death cult' by our pm and other
world leaders like obama, is to dissociate
this terror group from islam. so to suggest it
is designed to stir up certain part of society
is completely illogical.
President Barack Obama has denounced Isis as a “brutal, vicious death cult” that was involved in unspeakable acts of barbarism in the name of religion.
“We see ISIS, a brutal, vicious death cult that, in the name of religion, carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism, terrorizing religious minorities, like Yazidis, subjecting women to rape as a weapon of war, and claiming a mantle of religious authority for such actions,” he said.
on 20-05-2015 09:27 AM
Terrorism certainly has changed my Outlook
It has opened my eyes to a type of people who would undermine
All others for the sake of religion and set women back
2000 years
Religious conflict has been going on through history but
At this point in time you might think we could learn by other people's
Mistakes and not go bacwards in time
on 20-05-2015 09:59 AM
@opmania wrote:Terrorism certainly has changed my Outlook
It has opened my eyes to a type of people who would undermine
All others for the sake of religion and set women back
2000 years
Religious conflict has been going on through history but
At this point in time you might think we could learn by other people's
Mistakes and not go bacwards in time
The thing that disturbs me is the support of the religion that deems beheading and ruining womens lives and all the other despicable practices it extols.
And the absolute hatred for the PM who is doing what he was elected to do and that is to secure our borders and secure our country from terrorists.
As for the so called small minority of jihadists in the world? well I have already posted that it is in the millions and millions who support ISIS.
As for the mindless comment that It's all a beat up by Abbott to get more votes? votes from whom? the Muslim community?.
on 20-05-2015 01:40 PM
@idlewhile wrote:
@opmania wrote:Terrorism certainly has changed my Outlook
It has opened my eyes to a type of people who would undermine
All others for the sake of religion and set women back
2000 years
Religious conflict has been going on through history but
At this point in time you might think we could learn by other people's
Mistakes and not go bacwards in time
The thing that disturbs me is the support of the religion that deems beheading and ruining womens lives and all the other despicable practices it extols.
And the absolute hatred for the PM who is doing what he was elected to do and that is to secure our borders and secure our country from terrorists.
As for the so called small minority of jihadists in the world? well I have already posted that it is in the millions and millions who support ISIS.
As for the mindless comment that It's all a beat up by Abbott to get more votes? votes from whom? the Muslim community?.
I cant be bothered to go back and see who said that but whoever did is beyond naive. ISIS a beat up by Abbott?
Words fail me.
on 20-05-2015 01:45 PM
@bright.ton42 wrote:
@idlewhile wrote:
@opmania wrote:Terrorism certainly has changed my Outlook
It has opened my eyes to a type of people who would undermine
All others for the sake of religion and set women back
2000 years
Religious conflict has been going on through history but
At this point in time you might think we could learn by other people's
Mistakes and not go bacwards in time
The thing that disturbs me is the support of the religion that deems beheading and ruining womens lives and all the other despicable practices it extols.
And the absolute hatred for the PM who is doing what he was elected to do and that is to secure our borders and secure our country from terrorists.
As for the so called small minority of jihadists in the world? well I have already posted that it is in the millions and millions who support ISIS.
As for the mindless comment that It's all a beat up by Abbott to get more votes? votes from whom? the Muslim community?.
I cant be bothered to go back and see who said that but whoever did is beyond naive. ISIS a beat up by Abbott?Words fail me.
Don't bother looking because that's not what was said. Nobody said ISIS is a beat up by Abbott.