Howard "embarrassed

Former prime minister John Howard says he was 'embarrassed' that Australia joined the war in Iraq on intelligence that the country had weapons of mass destruction that later appeared to be inaccurate.

Speaking to Channel Seven, Mr Howard says the intelligence presented to him by United States authorities indicated that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, which posed a threat to the West.

He says it was on those reports that he along with the National Security Committee of Cabinet sent Australian troops into Iraq.

"I was struck by the force of the language used in the American national intelligence assessment late in November 2002," he told Sunday Night.

"It brought together all the American intelligence and paragraph after paragraph, they said, we judge Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and even talked about potential nuclear capacity."

Mr Howard also spoke on the current terror levels, saying Australia still faced a real threat.

"I don't think any Australian should assume we won't have a terrorist incident here," he said.

He also said a focus on integrating Muslim youths into the mainstream would help prevent them becoming radicalised.

"As many people know I'm not an overwhelming fan of the doctrine of multiculturalism."

"I believe in bringing people of different races, different religions, to this country but once you're here you've got to become part of the mainstream community."
Message 1 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

Firstly if you bothered to read my post you have seen I said the parliament would have to be informed , I said nothing about gaining their approval , secondly the Governor General is both the queens representative and the commander and chief of the military so I'm sorry he is very much involved in the country going to war
Message 11 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

Seeking their endorsement would be the same as seeking their approval.

Message 12 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

The decision to go to war should not rest with one person. What is it about Liberals, they seem to have to send us to war.
Message 13 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

Again where did I say seeking endorsement of the parliament
Message 14 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

Re Howard embarrassed.

I reckon his most embarrassing time was when he lost his safe seat

in the 2007 election.-to an ex ABC journo........Richo.

Message 15 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

@kilroy_is_here wrote:
Firstly if you bothered to read my post you have seen I said the parliament would have to be informed , I said nothing about gaining their approval , secondly the Governor General is both the queens representative and the commander and chief of the military so I'm sorry he is very much involved in the country going to war

 Nup.  Parliament does not have to be informed.  GG does not have to be involved, just signs a sheet of paper whether or not he/she approves.

Message 16 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

I'm laughing at the term "embarrassed".  That should be reserved for less momentous incidents such as leaving the dunny with toilet paper stuck in your dacks, or leaving your fly open, or wearing odd socks. Not for committing people to a war based on dodgy advice.

Maybe "mortified" and "deeply and profoundly sorry" would be more apt.


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Message 17 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

I don't think he knows those words.

Message 18 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

I think "embarrassed" means he's sorry he was found out.
Message 19 of 31
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Re: Howard "embarrassed

I remember watching various experts explaining WHY Saddam does not have what Bush & Blair claims they have.  Months before the famous statements like :  "smoking gun becomes mushroom cloud" and "we have a proof that Saddam ordered yellow cake from Niger" etc. these claims were refuted by people who  who had nothing to gain by it.  Actually, mostly they had lots to loose by telling the truth; like Valerie Plame, whose husband Joseph C. Wilson went public with info that the document  of sale of yellowcake to Saddam was a crude forgery, because year after that was established,  Bush still used it as a reason to go to war.  Wilson and his wife both worked for CIA.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 20 of 31
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