
Not applicable

So Abel Prasad a operations manager at BBHydro Australia has offered to help people with any questions they have about Hydroponics. 


What questions do you have?

Message 1 of 27
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What steps does BBHydro take to ensure its products are not used to grow illegal marijuana ?


Well, one can only hope that they are lobbying our govt to change the drug laws which encourage the organised crime gangs in the sale and marketing of this  "illegal marijuana" in the first place.


Maybe to change the laws in the same way that some other countries have recently done.


 e.g Canada . . . https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/17/on-a-high-canada-celebrates-cannabis-being-legalised


The rest of your post was just scare-mongering, hysterical inaccuracy.


Message 11 of 27
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Perhaps around the same time ebay staff respond to people on here


Of course by then we shall all be returned to the dust from which we sprung but that's just a minor detail 


In the year 2525,when ebay staff answers start to arrive 

Message 12 of 27
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@johcaschro wrote:

What steps does BBHydro take to ensure its products are not used to grow illegal marijuana ?


Well, one can only hope that they are lobbying our govt to change the drug laws which encourage the organised crime gangs in the sale and marketing of this  "illegal marijuana" in the first place.


Maybe to change the laws in the same way that some other countries have recently done.


 e.g Canada . . . https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/17/on-a-high-canada-celebrates-cannabis-being-legalised


The rest of your post was just scare-mongering, hysterical inaccuracy.


The laws are fine like they are. It is just the naive or plain stupid drug addicts that want them changed. Just out of interest are you a regular dope smoker Jo ???


As for scare mongering, the reason I am so opposed to dope is I have seen too many of my friends and family members lives destroyed by the stuff. I know A LOT of regular dope smokers and I,m struggling to think of any who have a job. Many of them where employed until the dope got them, but now they all rely on the tax payer to provide them with housing food etc. as they are unable to hold down steady jobs and provide for themselves.



Message 13 of 27
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The laws are not fine like they are. The laws as they stand make criminals of those who commit a victimless crime.



'A possession charge can show up in job applications and can affect approval for government housing, volunteer opportunities or scholarships, said Enenajor.'


“The criminalization of cannabis is so drastic and disproportionate to people’s lives.”


'Meanwhile, numerous studies have shown that Canada’s current statutes on drug possession are not equitably applied. “Drug laws are enforced by the police – and we know that the police are not immune from racism and discrimination,” said Akwasi Owusu-Bempah of the University of Toronto.'




and Australia's police force is no different. So we get the socially disadvantaged, both white and black, disproportionally targeted.


If you read up on the history surrounding the reasons for the criminalisation of cannabis, you will find that it wasn't criminalised out of any concern for the health of the public or to protect the weak. It was made illegal to protect the corporate profits of companies like DuPont.


The neagative spiel regarding cannabis comes directly from a wish to suppress  competition to sales of synthetic fibres, tobacco and alcohol.


Now, if you want to talk about drugs which really harms peoples health then look no further than those two.




As for scare mongering, the reason I am so opposed to dope is I have seen too many of my friends and family members lives destroyed by the stuff. I know A LOT of regular dope smokers and I,m struggling to think of any who have a job.




Well, I have seen no one destroyed by smoking pot. I know a lot of regular pot smokers who have full time jobs, who raise happy and healthy children in houses which they have bought and paid for by honest work.


There are anecdotes for every occasion, but anecdotes are not evidence; they're just stories.


There's more to be lost by treating cannabis users as criminals than there is by treating those struggling with problematic use as having a treatable health issue.



If reason can't sway you, then I'll appeal to your neo liberal sense of avarice . . . think of the profits you personally could make by growing it and selling it in a legislated and legalised situation.


Think of the govt taxes to be reaped by its legal sale. They're huge. Just look at some states in the USA where billions of dollars roll in to govt coffers annually. Think of the jobs created.








Message 14 of 27
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Actually I know three guys,two of which I count as friends,who have been DSP recipients for over 20 years. All three are alcoholics. Oh,and one has emphysema.
Message 15 of 27
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@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
Actually I know three guys,two of which I count as friends,who have been DSP recipients for over 20 years. All three are alcoholics. Oh,and one has emphysema.

And your point is ????     Why add another highly addictive and socially damaging drug that has been shown to increase the likelihood of schizophrenia and depression to the problems we already have with tobacco and alcohol ?

Message 16 of 27
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@johcaschro wrote:

The laws are not fine like they are. The laws as they stand make criminals of those who commit a victimless crime.



'A possession charge can show up in job applications and can affect approval for government housing, volunteer opportunities or scholarships, said Enenajor.'


“The criminalization of cannabis is so drastic and disproportionate to people’s lives.”


'Meanwhile, numerous studies have shown that Canada’s current statutes on drug possession are not equitably applied. “Drug laws are enforced by the police – and we know that the police are not immune from racism and discrimination,” said Akwasi Owusu-Bempah of the University of Toronto.'




and Australia's police force is no different. So we get the socially disadvantaged, both white and black, disproportionally targeted.


If you read up on the history surrounding the reasons for the criminalisation of cannabis, you will find that it wasn't criminalised out of any concern for the health of the public or to protect the weak. It was made illegal to protect the corporate profits of companies like DuPont.


The neagative spiel regarding cannabis comes directly from a wish to suppress  competition to sales of synthetic fibres, tobacco and alcohol.


Now, if you want to talk about drugs which really harms peoples health then look no further than those two.




As for scare mongering, the reason I am so opposed to dope is I have seen too many of my friends and family members lives destroyed by the stuff. I know A LOT of regular dope smokers and I,m struggling to think of any who have a job.




Well, I have seen no one destroyed by smoking pot. I know a lot of regular pot smokers who have full time jobs, who raise happy and healthy children in houses which they have bought and paid for by honest work.


There are anecdotes for every occasion, but anecdotes are not evidence; they're just stories.


There's more to be lost by treating cannabis users as criminals than there is by treating those struggling with problematic use as having a treatable health issue.



If reason can't sway you, then I'll appeal to your neo liberal sense of avarice . . . think of the profits you personally could make by growing it and selling it in a legislated and legalised situation.


Think of the govt taxes to be reaped by its legal sale. They're huge. Just look at some states in the USA where billions of dollars roll in to govt coffers annually. Think of the jobs created.








You still havnt answered my question............Are you a regular dope smoker ???   If you see nothing wrong with it, you shouldnt have a problem responding.

Message 17 of 27
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Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that was a rhetorical question. I have said here on this board before that I used to be a smoker of cannabis. I smoked for years and years. Not all the time of course because the only drug problem I ever had was not always being able to find it for sale.


I had no problem holding down a full time job. I had no problem earning enough to buy a comfortable house. I had no problem with mental health issues.


I had a few problems with the Law on occasion . . .


But that's only my story.



Message 18 of 27
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Now perhaps you might like to return the favour and address the points I made in my post above. ?



Message 19 of 27
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@johcaschro wrote:

The laws are not fine like they are. The laws as they stand make criminals of those who commit a victimless crime.


Victimless ??? Try telling that to the families of motorists killed by people driving cars while high. Yes alcohol has a similar effect, but why legalise another substance that causes the same problems. And while you are telling the families of motorists killed by dope smokers, you might want to have a chat with the parents of young people who develop schizophrenia after heavy marijuana use. One of my friends was a heavy dope smoker, developed schizophrenia and ended up commiting suicide. I'm sure his family would love to hear how harmless you think dope is.



'A possession charge can show up in job applications and can affect approval for government housing, volunteer opportunities or scholarships, said Enenajor.'


A possession charge can show up on job applications......... Problem ? ...........It certainly is if you are the employer who has a drug affected employee driving your heavy equipment or operating power tools on a building site. Employers have a legal responsibility to ensure they provide a safe place for others to work, free from drug impaired numbnuts who claim its their right to get stoned if they want to.


“The criminalization of cannabis is so drastic and disproportionate to people’s lives.”


Not when you consider the effects an individuals drug abuse can have on others


'Meanwhile, numerous studies have shown that Canada’s current statutes on drug possession are not equitably applied. “Drug laws are enforced by the police – and we know that the police are not immune from racism and discrimination,” said Akwasi Owusu-Bempah of the University of Toronto.'




and Australia's police force is no different. So we get the socially disadvantaged, both white and black, disproportionally targeted.


We finally agree on something.....no arguments from me with this point.


If you read up on the history surrounding the reasons for the criminalisation of cannabis, you will find that it wasn't criminalised out of any concern for the health of the public or to protect the weak. It was made illegal to protect the corporate profits of companies like DuPont.


You can find references on the internet to support all sorts of conspiracy theories about big business, big pharma etc. The fact is the reasons governments in Australia currently have not legalised marijuana is because of the well documented social and health problems it causes.


The neagative spiel regarding cannabis comes directly from a wish to suppress  competition to sales of synthetic fibres, tobacco and alcohol.


Now, if you want to talk about drugs which really harms peoples health then look no further than those two.


Agreed, but dope causes just as many problems.........Why legalise another addictive drug when we already know the significant problems it causes.




As for scare mongering, the reason I am so opposed to dope is I have seen too many of my friends and family members lives destroyed by the stuff. I know A LOT of regular dope smokers and I,m struggling to think of any who have a job.




Well, I have seen no one destroyed by smoking pot. I know a lot of regular pot smokers who have full time jobs, who raise happy and healthy children in houses which they have bought and paid for by honest work.


You have admitted you have in the past been a regular drug user. Maybe you simply don't want to see the problems drug abuse has caused for others. There are numerous properly run scientific studies which show links between marijuana use in teenagers and significantly reduced educational outcomes and school drop out rates. Studies which show links between drug use and significantly lower household income. Studies which show links between marijuana use and increased incidence of mental health problems including depression and schizophrenia. Studies which show an increase in physical health problems associated with dope smoking including lung cancer. Studies which show a direct correlation between driving while under the influence of marijuana and road crashes, including fatal road crashes and those causing lifelong incapacitation to other road users. etc. etc. But you cant see any of this ???


There are anecdotes for every occasion, but anecdotes are not evidence; they're just stories.


There's more to be lost by treating cannabis users as criminals than there is by treating those struggling with problematic use as having a treatable health issue.


There's more to be lost by legalising marijuana and legitimizing all of the problems it causes. There are already very good government funded support systems in place for those who genuinely want to get over a marijuana addiction. Problem is most regular users are too hooked on the trash to see the problems it is causing and don't actually want to get off it.


If reason can't sway you, then I'll appeal to your neo liberal sense of avarice . . . think of the profits you personally could make by growing it and selling it in a legislated and legalised situation.


Do you really think I want to grow an insidious drug like dope that causes depression and schizophrenia in some users, causes lung cancer and destroys lives.....Please give me a little bit more credit than that.


Think of the govt taxes to be reaped by its legal sale. They're huge. Just look at some states in the USA where billions of dollars roll in to govt coffers annually. Think of the jobs created.


And just like tobacco & alcohol taxes, all of that money will still not be enough to pay for all of the negative health and social problems legalising dope will cause.








Message 20 of 27
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