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I bought a cot today!

So the grandbabies have somewhere to sleep when they come to visit.

Only 7 weeks until the first one is due. I'm excited ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
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I bought a cot today!

That is exciting, Lurker.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 2 of 11
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I bought a cot today!

7 weeks! wow, that went fast.

I am about to sell my last cot ๐Ÿ˜ž

I had 2 and a portacot set up at one stage, lol

Message 3 of 11
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I bought a cot today!

How pathetic am I then?            Still got a portacot.     Youngest one is 8!!



Congrats lurker.   You'll never wipe that grin off ya face 


How goes the knitting?

Message 4 of 11
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I bought a cot today!

Haha pmsl...

Stawka, read your post v quickly and I imagined you were still in a portacot!!





Congrats lurker...7 weeks will fly by..sounds like you got a little nesting going on!


I wonder if I will need to rig something up on the gcart for grandie when you go golfing and are on nanna duty?

X your humble caddie

Message 5 of 11
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I bought a cot today!

I had a port o cot, car seats from Baby up to Toddler, toys, books.


Bought the car seats back to NZ but gave every thing else away.


Some thing special about having a Baby in the house ๐Ÿ™‚

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I bought a cot today!

Knitting is going .... slowly. I have come to a bit I don't understand so will have to visit my expert friend for more instruction. I'm going to stay with my mum for 10 days soon, so she'll sort me out ๐Ÿ˜€
Message 7 of 11
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I bought a cot today!

You've reminded me youcan. My mum played golf when I was only little and I can remember riding on her golf bag while she played ๐Ÿ˜€
I must have been only about 3 or 4. I'm sure we can rig something up ๐Ÿ˜€
Message 8 of 11
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I bought a cot today!

Now thats pretty cool- a golfmum...WOW Woman Happy

Message 9 of 11
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I bought a cot today!

She is very cool โค๏ธโค๏ธ I love her to pieces and realise I'm very lucky to have her still.  I just wish I got to see her more often.

Our two babies will be her 8th and 9th great grandchildren and there is another one also due later in the year.

Message 10 of 11
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