I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is due

Hi I hope you can help me.

I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is due to a lot of third party’s pages being notified.

I have tried deleting cookies and following the info listed in AD Choices as advised on your site.

This also happens when I log on to Gumtree.

Thanks Kim.

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Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

Re the NBN -


Government decided it would be too expensive to completely replace the copper.


The fibre node is likely to take the form of a street cabinet. Each street cabinet will allow the nbn™ network signal to travel over optic fibre from the exchange to the cabinet, and connect with the existing copper network to reach your premises. 



Message 11 of 40
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Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

Good luck with the run around - I had it in excess of 12 months - though now have had NBN of a year.


At one stage I had 8 telstra employees - as you have to go through the server not NBN - emailing me daily - each with a different story.


Finally they came - to install the outside box - then weeks later the inside box.


The 2 sweet young techs asked me where I would like it - showed them - they told me - wait for it ' it can't go round corners - sent them off asking for a supervisor.


They did make a suggestion where the box would go - found out later their suggestion spot lacked the necessary power point - yep - they knew what they were talking about.


I have virtually the same plan - $80 per month - I find it no faster nor slower than before - certainly no improvement.


Because it kept dropping out - they upgraded the Router as mentioned - that tech telling me the first lot Telstra provided Routers were rubbish but they had to use them anyway.


It was explained the WIFI - which is not guaranteed by any server seemed to be my problem - and the problem of most - but there was nothing they could do about it.


Finally gave up & live with it - sometimes it drops - then connects again - drops etc etc etc.


By the way - if the optic fibre cable go to eventually copper - where did the old cables go to - if not the phone - as mentioned no noticeable diff in the connection.

Message 12 of 40
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Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

Totally correct David, it was going to be all fibre optic, but the Lib gov changed it, 'cause they considered it to be too expensive.  It's being done in my town atm, so I stopped and asked the guys working on it, def copper from the node to the house.


Added bonus was,  that the new node came quite a few pieces or  very large, heavy cardboard, so I asked the guys did they want it, they didn't, so it's now covering my veggie area, nicely  killing off all the grass underneath.


I have adsl here, so will be interesting to see if the NBN makes any diffence, am thinking it wont

Message 13 of 40
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Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

you seem to be describing 'fibre to the premises' where you have the fibre cable comming right to your home.


you should be getting extremely good internet.


i take it from the box NBN put on your wall you have a router that uses wireless to connect to your devices (computer, tv, ect)


thats where your system falls down, wireless is flakey at the best. much better if you can connect via an actual cable from router to computer.


if i was having your problems id use a cable router, running a cable from the router directly to your computer/laptop whatever.


my modem is a 4G wireless but i connect it to my computer via cable as it improves things so much. down side is its a battery powered modem so i have to plug it in and charge it then unplug it several times every day.


my plan costs me $105 per month for a lousy 15gb of download. i so want to be on the NBN and get unlimited download for less money.


in your case your landline phone has been switched to the nbn system, no copper anymore cept maybe from your base unit to the wall. i dont know much about phones with fibre to the premises.


mine will end up with having a modem/router situated next to my computer, a wire will connect it to a phone outlet on the wall. from there it runs out down the street via the old copper cableto the node cabinet to connect to the fibre cable.


on my end from the modem/router a cable will run to my computer bringing internet signal. another cable will connect the modem to my phone.

Message 14 of 40
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Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

@bushies.girl wrote:

Totally correct David, it was going to be all fibre optic, but the Lib gov changed it, 'cause they considered it to be too expensive.  It's being done in my town atm, so I stopped and asked the guys working on it, def copper from the node to the house.


Added bonus was,  that the new node came quite a few pieces or  very large, heavy cardboard, so I asked the guys did they want it, they didn't, so it's now covering my veggie area, nicely  killing off all the grass underneath.


I have adsl here, so will be interesting to see if the NBN makes any diffence, am thinking it wont

how far are you from where your node is being placed, if your under 500 mtres you might get an inprovement, as long as the phone connection tower (those strange silver round things about a metre tall ) is close by.


stick your address into finders rollout search here.



Message 15 of 40
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Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

David the node is approx 1km as the crow flies, no idea re the ph connection tower, havent checked where it is located.  Net speed is not too bad here, cant say, I have had many probs with it   .....

Message 17 of 40
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Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

Understand David that hard wiring is the answer.


But I use my dining table for eating - the box is on the wall - in the living/dining room.


My PC is upstairs - & was hard wired with the old system by the phone line.


Have a small droid - use all over the place - DD has a laptop in 2 rooms & OH a computer in the study. 


Will give the speed a test see what I have.

Message 18 of 40
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Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

Did it


Internet speed test
Testing upload...


Mbps download


Mbps upload

Latency: 36 ms
Server: Sydney

Your Internet speed looks good

Your Internet connection should be able to handle multiple devices streaming HD videos at the same time.

Message 19 of 40
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Re: I log on to ebay using my computer and look at my saved pages and they load very slowly this is

yeah, i see your problem, not easily or cheaply fixed.


if it was me i'd be running computer cable through the house to outlets in most rooms, but then my house is small and one level.


wireless is sold as the answer to cable problems but its not.


they cant even supply mobile phone connections that dont drop out so what hope is there for a small system in your house. walls, metal objects, tvs ect all interupt the signal.

Message 20 of 40
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