on 01-06-2013 05:35 PM
I haven't a clue what's good.
I spend a whole hour trying mattresses out today. Tried about 20 and can't really feel much difference.
Costs range from a few hundred to a few thousand. Assuming money isn't an issue.
So what should I look for in buying a new mattress?
on 01-06-2013 05:40 PM
If money isnt an issue, I would go for a "dream bed" from Rydges Hotels . I laughed when I read all the reviews but sure changed my mind when I slept on one.
on 01-06-2013 05:50 PM
If money isnt an issue, I would go for a "dream bed" from Rydges Hotels . I laughed when I read all the reviews but sure changed my mind when I slept on one.
THanks, but what so good about them? is it the material or firmness or other bits that makes it good?
WHat brand is the dream bed?
on 01-06-2013 05:55 PM
You may want to have a read of this thread from last month, about buying a new mattress.
on 01-06-2013 06:12 PM
Bob, have a try of a waterbed.
it is formconforming and always the correct temperatute summer or winter.
the base is easy to make ans the bladder, heater and liner can be got for around $350. you never end up with saggy springs either 🙂
on 01-06-2013 06:23 PM
Waterbeds were popular --- in the early 1980's.
on 01-06-2013 06:35 PM
no idea of the brand but it looks good
my sis and mother use Wenatex *the sleep system, says theyre the best investments they made when it comes to buying a bed.
if you want just the mattress, they might sell it in part.
on 01-06-2013 06:38 PM
what about the ones TVSN now sell - have a good name - I would like one
on 01-06-2013 06:52 PM
In my opinion comfort far outweighs popularity.
I would venture to say that people who had them in the 80s still have them 🙂
on 01-06-2013 06:59 PM
I don't still have one, and no-one else I have known since then has still got one either.