If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

There is an online peition you can sign:


"We, the undersigned, request that the Australian Press Council conduct an investigation into News Corp Australia’s media coverage of the 2013 Australian federal election campaign.

We also request that appropriate action is taken to prevent this from happening again in the future."







“I’ve got my purse and my gift and my gloves and my selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and my monoamine oxidase inhibitor and I have my anti-anxiety disco biscuits and I am ready to go. I am really ready!” Sheila
Message 1 of 175
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174 REPLIES 174

Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

So much for waiting until they're sworn in to make changes. They have already removed the nbn.gov.au website with all the digital economy information.

Message 91 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

You miss the point Buzz, for there to be that many search results must mean the there have been that many references to the subject.

If there are that many articles it would be a logical assumption that the creators of those articles are aware of subject to write about it.

So your argument has no validity.

By the way thank you for enlightening me as to how the Google search engine gets its results 🙂  


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 92 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

a positive step in the right direction 🙂

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 93 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

@poddster wrote:

a positive step in the right direction 🙂

No, it isn't. What is positive about removing all the information that relates to the digital economy? 


The site contained information about research and development, education, health, business. Valuable programs that surely no govt in their right mind would just cancel.

Have you ever been on the site? 


Message 94 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

@poddster wrote:

You miss the point Buzz, for there to be that many search results must mean the there have been that many references to the subject.

If there are that many articles it would be a logical assumption that the creators of those articles are aware of subject to write about it.

So your argument has no validity.

By the way thank you for enlightening me as to how the Google search engine gets its results 🙂  




Your strawman argument and fear mongering has no validity.


Even 6th grade kids know that simple numbers of "references to a subject" prove nothing and the actual facts of a single reference depend on the intention of the person who made the reference. It's why children and adults who are not digital natives are taught to check their online sources of information very, very carefully before accepting stuff online as "fact" simply because some nut-bag decided to publish it on the 'net as "fact".


Anyone can put almost anything they want to on the Internet with any intention they choose. Just because they did does not prove in any way that the creator of a reference on the 'net was "aware" of the subject to write about it.


It's like how the Murdoch press can publish almost whatever Rupert wants to publish. Just because it's been put out there,  doesn't mean it is true, factual, unbiased,researched or demonstrating any great or deep "awareness".


There are 32,600,000 Google search results for "poop".  It's not a logical assumption that 32,600,000 references to "poop" mean that the creators of those REFERENCES have a deep appreciation of and knowledge about poop.


“I’ve got my purse and my gift and my gloves and my selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and my monoamine oxidase inhibitor and I have my anti-anxiety disco biscuits and I am ready to go. I am really ready!” Sheila
Message 95 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

Signed and shared!

Message 96 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

No I have never looked at that site. I imagine it would have been full of propaganda to justify the  need of the very expensive White Elephant that was sold to uninformed and gullible voters .


Over the last 3 years or so I have seen more that enough propaganda extolling the virtues of the NBN Co.


It was a con job.

Vote hungry Gillard went for it hook line and sinker. A very lucrative money spinner  for the NBN Co. and for the union controlled contractors.

It was bulldozed through parliament without cost benefit or proper debate due to the application of the guillotine in the senate.


So called "reform", such as the NBN Co.,will now see the light of day at last.

Expect more of the same to come. You reap what you sow  🙂


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 97 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

@poddster wrote:

No I have never looked at that site.


Expect more of the same to come. You reap what you sow  🙂


What site?




“I’ve got my purse and my gift and my gloves and my selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and my monoamine oxidase inhibitor and I have my anti-anxiety disco biscuits and I am ready to go. I am really ready!” Sheila
Message 98 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

Who judges a govt department website without even looking at it?

If your whole anti NBN argument is based on not even looking at the details and facts it's no wonder you really have no idea about the project or the company or the companies involved with the roll out.

Message 99 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

@buzzlightyearsgirlfriend wrote:

@poddster wrote:

No I have never looked at that site.


Expect more of the same to come. You reap what you sow  🙂


What site?





It was the site that covered all the digital futures projects int he country.

Message 100 of 175
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