Inventions Too Weird (Probably) To Work/Market/etc.

Following on from a post I made earlier today:


I have a terrible vision of improbably large-breasted women pressing the “button” and speaking downwards…


“Hello? Babes? Hang on, my new tootsphone has some speaker problems. What’d’ya think? Crossed underwires?”


... it gave me a much-needed smile. And so I thought to myself, "I'm sure others on these boards might have some fun ideas along the same weird lines."


The idea is simple: you "invent" something that probably is too improbable to ever gain a foothold in the world. Describe it, give examples of it in use, be as absurd as you want... draw it, photograph something that you say is the invention you have in mind... It doesn't have to be realistic, but it should be something funny or weird or ridiculous or thought-provoking in an odd sort of way.


I hope that this will be a fun thread for everyone here to enjoy. If it doesn't take off, we can throw this onto the scrapheap of inventions that just... never... made it.

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Re: Inventions Too Weird (Probably) To Work/Market/etc.

There are no inventions too weird.




And room for the SIM card. 

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Re: Inventions Too Weird (Probably) To Work/Market/etc.

Fingernails with little selfie cameras: just the thing for the person eager to miss not a single shot as they splay their fingers in front of their face.

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Re: Inventions Too Weird (Probably) To Work/Market/etc.

Mine actually negated the need for ' implants ' . 🤣


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Re: Inventions Too Weird (Probably) To Work/Market/etc.

Well, this could have been a dangerous invention when toilet paper was in high demand:


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Re: Inventions Too Weird (Probably) To Work/Market/etc.

eat enough worms....grow without a passport



might take a while

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Re: Inventions Too Weird (Probably) To Work/Market/etc.

Re: Inventions Too Weird (Probably) To Work/Market/etc.



images - 2021-04-07T141954.044.jpeg

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