on 02-02-2021 05:40 PM
Collingwood racism report findings a vindication for Héritier Lumumba and others who paid price for speaking up
the guy has been caught several times saying pretty 'poorly chosen' words in the past
yester day he declared the day a report finding the collingwood football club has a deep rooted culture of racism
a "historic and proud day"
not exactly words id use if my club was the club
i'd call it a very sad day, about as low as a club could sink when the club has used players of various ethnicity to win prestige
if my club had reports of racial abuse going on i would hope everyone from the president down would be angry with those doing it
on 10-02-2021 11:11 AM
I hope so.
I never disliked him persay, but in the position he is in, and the amount of years experience under his belt, he really has made an ass of himself and should want to remove himself from public life
Do I think he is racist - no doubt about it IMO
on 10-02-2021 11:26 AM
well, seems we know who donald trumps speech writer is working for now
on 10-02-2021 12:36 PM
on 10-02-2021 01:30 PM
@katistrophik wrote:I hope so.
I never disliked him persay, but in the position he is in, and the amount of years experience under his belt, he really has made an ass of himself and should want to remove himself from public life
Do I think he is racist - no doubt about it IMO
Yes that's how cancel culture works.
on 10-02-2021 01:48 PM
I'm worried about his chin. It's becoming a safety issue when he walks.
on 11-02-2021 07:24 AM
Indigenous leader backs McGuire
Eddie McGuire does not deserve the sort of simplistic labelling that was prompted by the Do Better report and his decision to stand down, according to former senior AFL Indigenous adviser Jason Mifsud.
Mifsud, an Indigenous man, said McGuire would comfortably "walk with Aboriginal communities," many of whom had strong relationships with the former Collingwood president.
"My dealings with him personally and professionally, this is not who I have seen. For many in the Aboriginal community Ed has been a huge advocate. For many of us with personal experience, he has been a great supporter.
"That is not to excuse some of the things he has not got right and things he has said. There is a silent majority of Aboriginal people who know Ed and trust Ed and who find it hard to reconcile the picture being painted of him.
"He has helped many Indigenous people. The experiences certainly do not correspond with the labels around the club and Eddie. That is not to say he and I have not had discussions around language and previous mistakes, but I am more about challenge the behaviour and support the individual."
well said!
on 11-02-2021 08:07 AM
ive never met eddie, i can only judge him by what i have witnessed via his many media hats
i see a guy with foot in mouth disease who speaks then tries to excuse what he says with pathetic excuses
so hes got a buddy who is indiginous
a buddy who happy to say what a wonderful man he is
how does that buddy explain eddie saying on the day a leaked report showing collingwood foodball club has instemic racist problems 'its great day for the collingwood football club'?
not an off the cuff, caught off guard, statement but a read from a prepared document statement
how does that buddy explain the pain felt by a man of colour who has been fighting for years to expose the treatment he got at collingwood and was drummed out of the AFL?
how does he explain the other indiginous players who have come forward sharing their experinces in the AFL re racism?
some include collingwood under the eddie rule
so, he has a buddy big deal
trump still has people who believe he won the US election
on 11-02-2021 10:30 AM
11-02-2021 10:55 AM - edited 11-02-2021 10:56 AM
Yes, Mifsud's measured comment shows that Eddie has a lot of support from the aboriginal community, something that I doubt a racist would have. No doubt there are issues to be sorted so hopefully there will be a good outcome for all. I think the AFL needs to be clearer on what is considered racism so there will be no more upsets, shouldn't be happening anymore. .
on 11-02-2021 01:58 PM
Poor Eddie. Always so misunderstood.
Collingwood president Eddie McGuire says he was affected by prescription drugs when he made offensive comments about Sydney AFL great Adam Goodes.
Speaking on his breakfast radio program in 2013, McGuire said Goodes should be used to promote the musical King Kong, only a matter of days after the Indigenous star had been racially abused by a Magpies fan who called him an ape.
"I haven't really said this before, but I was on massive painkillers and crutches [for] an infection in my knee," McGuire told GQ magazine.
"I was on heavy-duty painkillers, antibiotics and steroids."
It was a while back but a leopard doesn't change it's spots.