Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

Community Member

I posted a task on AIRTASKER today asking for someone to set up my email account on my computer.


I had a few offers BUT they all say they can do it REMOTELY.


As I'm not really familiar with this kind of procedure, I was wondering whether it's safe to allow someone to do it that way or is better to insist that they come to my apartment? Admittedly two of the three offerors have excellent ratings: one has nine pos ratings and one has three pos ratings.


I'm not exactly a tech-savvy user and at the moment I can only access my emails via Bigpond's webmail service. That's a pain as it means logging in every time etc. So I'm keen to get someone to set it up, so that I can just click a button like I used to do, and send or receive emails rather than going via webmail ea time.


I offered $40.





Message 1 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

PS: should I just ask them to come over to my place and do it here?

Message 11 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

No. No. No. No visits from strangers..


If you dont mind me asking, why do you want a new email addy?

Message 12 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

Oh, hang on, I think I know what you want- you want to just access your emails without logging on..

Is that right?


If so, try this on utube...

Just take it one step at a time..



Let me know if thats what you need...bbs..just getting a start on dinnerWoman Happy

Message 13 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

@artforartssake wrote:
This was the response from one of the offerors:
Hi Art, no security issues whatsoever. I'll ask you to go to a website and click on a link. This runs a client on your computer. You read me the username and password provided by the client, and I use it to connect to your machine. When the job is done and you wish for me to disconnect, all you need to do is close the client window. You have full visibility over my every move while I'm connected, and have the ability to end the session at any time.
What I should also mention is, every time you run the client, a new password is generated. This stops anyone from connecting without your knowledge in future.
Is this correct?

I agree it's the others, it's too dangerous with someone you don't know.  



What you/he describes though is exactly how the remote process works.  I used it just today, but that was in a commercial situation where it was the software developer who was accessing the system remotely.

Message 14 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

yes exactly!! I just want to be able to access emails directly via a little button on my comp, rather than having to log into webmail every time


So NO, I DON'T want a new email addy: just want to continue on with the same one I've had for years


Prob began when I bought a new comp last yr - an Asus Notebk PC. The technician who set it up for me - during the course of the setup - LOST all my email addresses because they weren't stored online


to stop that prob from happening again, the technician said i should always use webmail and store all my email addresses that way


So it solves one prob, because I'll never lose those email addresses again, but I HATE having to login all the time


hope that makes sense!!!

Message 15 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

PS Should just mention that I'm using Windows 10, the latest version I think


Tried to follow the youtube instructions, but I couldn't get past first base as didnt know which "file" they meant or where I was to access it from?


Am I first supposed to log into webmail??



Message 16 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

@artforartssake wrote:

OK thanks for the advice.


I thought of using Gmail but I already have a Bigpond account and would prefer to keep it with the same email address that I've had for years


Can you imagine how many people I would have to advise if I changed my email address?? It would take me a year to get to them all!!


If you have a Windows computer then you should have,(you can have all your Email


addresses come through that).


I have a Bigpond and a Hotmail account which both go to Outlook.


But what about what the man said i.e. I can see what he's doing and can cut him off anytime. Is that not correct?


Yes,you would see everything he does and be able to cut him off,(provided there is nothing running in the




As you're not familiar with the proccess it's not advisable to let someone you don't know do it,good.gif


Message 17 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

Ok...Do you want to wait for me?

I can try to walk you through no problems..


I jus have to eat and feed others- will be back here tonight though, and Im happy to go through it with you in real time..

Hows that? You get your details ready- like your bigpond user name, and password- and, no, I dont want to know it!!

It ought to look something like


I will be back in an hour. OK?

See you then.Woman Happy

Message 18 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

sounds good, thanks for the offer,


I just have to drive my wife to the pharm to pick up some meds, prob back by 9 if that's ok? That's Syd time if you're in Syd!

Message 19 of 53
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Is it safe for me to allow a technician to have REMOTE ACCESS to my computer?

No worries- see you back here..

Message 20 of 53
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