on 17-01-2014 06:59 AM
17-01-2014 08:36 AM - edited 17-01-2014 08:37 AM
I am sure that the asylum seekers do not allow their boats to be turned without struggle; after all they have paid all they had and often had to borrow to get on that boat; it is one chance of a life of reasonable quality for their kids, or one chance to be reunited with their family. Why would anybody think they would turn back or be towed back voluntarily, unless of course they are not being told they are going back.
on 17-01-2014 09:09 AM
OFGS, another thread taking the side of failed illegal immigrants????? when will you stop this attack on our country. What is your agenda here please I would like to know.
17-01-2014 09:18 AM - edited 17-01-2014 09:20 AM
Pakistan and Bangladesh asylum seekers??? They are in fact economic refugees. They do not get my sympathy other than to feel for them that they wasted what little money they probably did have while being promised a new life of milk and honey by the smugglers.
I think the people smugglers should be jailed for life. They take money to trade people. Back in the time of when the Jews were running in fear the people smugglers back then did not charge them, they did it out of the goodness of thier hearts.
One passenger took a piece of wood and prised open the hole that was already in the hull. Others rocked the boat.
If they are going to put our men and women at risk I also have no sympathy. If they end up in the water our people have to go back in and save them. Shame on these economic refugees.
on 17-01-2014 09:40 AM
on 17-01-2014 09:51 AM
I don't care if they do enter their waters... people break the law when they pay a person to take them to a country for economic reasons... Indonesia does nothing to stop them so why should we just take them...
Indonesia gets Billions in assistance from our country. It is about time they work to solve the problem... BUT we know for a fact that they never will because people in high places get payoffs from the smugglers. It is a well documented fact and I think they need to be held accountable.
on 17-01-2014 10:05 AM
on 17-01-2014 10:26 AM
@catsnknots wrote:I don't care if they do enter their waters... people break the law when they pay a person to take them to a country for economic reasons... Indonesia does nothing to stop them so why should we just take them...
Indonesia gets Billions in assistance from our country. It is about time they work to solve the problem... BUT we know for a fact that they never will because people in high places get payoffs from the smugglers. It is a well documented fact and I think they need to be held accountable.
Indonesia isn't signed up to the UN Refugee Convention is it ?
We are
When it is put so simply ...aren't we paying people to take Asylum seekers to a Country for economic reasons ourselves ?
on 17-01-2014 10:42 AM
No we are not. What our very responsible government is doing is protecting our sovereign rights to stop illegal immigration. That is what's happening & no amount of armchair compassion or criticism of our government or our wonderful country is going to change that.
I have asked many time on here why there is such a swelling of the left on here now, when they kept their mouths closed for the 6 years Labor presided over this catastrophe. We saw people smashed to pieces on rocks live on TV. but now all on here except for the commonsense ones are hyperventilating over this disaster that has seen so many killed and finally something is being done about it.
It beggars belief imo
on 17-01-2014 10:45 AM
I'm sorry you didn't read all of the posts from members who posted in response to the Asylum seeker boat number/Asylum seeker mania .