on 05-05-2014 01:57 PM
Is this what "being an Aussie" means ? That good mates can punch each other out in public and remain besties ?
I wonder if they conduct their respective businesses in such a fashion. Or whether they got their pugilistic skills from their staff member, Mr Abbott ?
on 07-05-2014 08:02 PM
Good shiner though.
on 08-05-2014 07:31 AM
@am*3 wrote:
Fight in the street and you leave yourself open to the public judging you...your character, what you were wearing.
These two weren't out together in public on a picnic, they were exchanging blows on a public street in the middle of the afternoon.
If Alan Jones was involved,that last sentence would have been a bit worrying 😄
on 08-05-2014 10:57 AM
It appears that James is going through a very, very trying personal "journey" at present.
My thought is that the Channel 9 van was there purely to "make the news happen". It may not have been David's order for the van to be there, but his staff have been told to "get any story at any cost".
Not a good look though for professional high profile people to behave like this in a public arena.
on 09-05-2014 01:57 PM
A $500 fine is only pocket change for these idiots
09-05-2014 02:08 PM - edited 09-05-2014 02:12 PM
on 09-05-2014 03:28 PM
Would Packer still be an "upstanding citizen" in regards to the Licencing Laws for casinos? If the fine is not contested?
And frankly, I still don't believe that van was parked there innocently. (Memories of "can't bowl, can't bat" and how long that story remained in the tabloids and Channel 9s "news")
I find it amazing how the young whippersnappers of today, don't release their mobile phones even when one is engaged in a biffo with their long term mate. James Packer appears to have retained a grip through the whole procedure.
09-05-2014 03:32 PM - edited 09-05-2014 03:36 PM
on 09-05-2014 03:39 PM
09-05-2014 04:53 PM - edited 09-05-2014 04:56 PM
on the media/news that night or the next night.....showing camerman talking to reporter.....they then flicked to a bit of 'the tussle' and there was clearly a large black video camera, the type used by news stations in the frame, OBVIOUSLY taking footage of the tussle as the camera was pointed in direction of the action and my/viewers view watching tv, was 'side-on' of this large camera.....maybe the footage was/and never will be shown. Obvious why not.
on 09-05-2014 05:13 PM