Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Community Member

My almost 7 year old daughter manager to jam her finger in her bedroom door (whilst I was washing the dog).  Upon hearing hysterical screaming, I turned off the shower, locked the dog in the laundry shower room and went to find L.  (took all of 10 seconds).


She'd jammed her finger, and it was bleeding AND the fingernail was already black.  I am a fully qualified first aider so I gave her appropriate first aid and some ibuprofen.  She's not the first or last person to have had a jammed finger.


BUT it's so swollen and sore.  And I know I am an over protective mother. 

BUT I'm thinking it might be worth getting xrayed?  (Hard to find a clinic with an xray tech on site on late Sunday afternoon and I'm certainly not going to go to emergency at the hospital for a suspected fractured finger - it's not an emergency).  I would usually give it until morning (because I know I overreact) but L is going away interstate with my parents for a week tomorrow, so it's not the best day to get an xray.


😞  So I guess, chances it's fractured would be pretty low?  Leaving an xray until tomorrow morning wont kill her as they wouldn't do anything different to what I have done with the finger, but I feel bad.  I want to help her.


And I've still got to finish washing the stinking dog, who is at this point, locked outside all wet but not shampooed or rinsed (It is warm or he'd be inside).

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Re: Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Thanks Bob. 😛

Message 181 of 189
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Re: Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

:^O Freddie

Message 182 of 189
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Re: Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

On behalf of pimps, mugs and mogs, in case they don't see your post.


Thanks bob 😛

Message 183 of 189
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Re: Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Hi Dilly:-D (anyone else who thinks normally)



Message 184 of 189
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Re: Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?


Message 185 of 189
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Re: Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

waves to Freddie, pimps, mugs and mogs and anyone else who thinks normally



well, that leaves me out then 😄










but, ello Dilly anyway:-) 

Signatures suck.
Message 186 of 189
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Re: Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Community Member



Back at ya Dilly!!

Saw the post Freddie decided to treat it with the contempt it deserves

Message 187 of 189
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Re: Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Community Member

hahaha  Ditto.



herro Dilly and normalites.


Message 188 of 189
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Re: Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Community Member

Miss L went on the boat to Tassie last night with her grandparents.  I am so sad.  She was desperate to go to TAS (on the boat?).  We're not exactly sure why.  She's away 6 nights and it's the longest we have ever been apart.  I am going to miss her so much.  I'm sure she'll have a great time and be spoilt rotten and not have time to miss me, but I have almost a week in which to miss her!

Message 189 of 189
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