Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Community Member

My almost 7 year old daughter manager to jam her finger in her bedroom door (whilst I was washing the dog).  Upon hearing hysterical screaming, I turned off the shower, locked the dog in the laundry shower room and went to find L.  (took all of 10 seconds).


She'd jammed her finger, and it was bleeding AND the fingernail was already black.  I am a fully qualified first aider so I gave her appropriate first aid and some ibuprofen.  She's not the first or last person to have had a jammed finger.


BUT it's so swollen and sore.  And I know I am an over protective mother. 

BUT I'm thinking it might be worth getting xrayed?  (Hard to find a clinic with an xray tech on site on late Sunday afternoon and I'm certainly not going to go to emergency at the hospital for a suspected fractured finger - it's not an emergency).  I would usually give it until morning (because I know I overreact) but L is going away interstate with my parents for a week tomorrow, so it's not the best day to get an xray.


😞  So I guess, chances it's fractured would be pretty low?  Leaving an xray until tomorrow morning wont kill her as they wouldn't do anything different to what I have done with the finger, but I feel bad.  I want to help her.


And I've still got to finish washing the stinking dog, who is at this point, locked outside all wet but not shampooed or rinsed (It is warm or he'd be inside).

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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

mrsworm.....tthank you



OP.....pleased to hear the finger is not too bad



Message 151 of 189
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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

CS at its finest, no wonder people don't bother coming here anymore




waves to Freddie, pimps, mugs and mogs and anyone else who thinks normally

Dont push.... Im typing as fast as I can.......
Message 152 of 189
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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

still keeping an eye on us though hey dilly 😉

Message 153 of 189
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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Once a month I have a read twinkle, I laugh and then back away but a few lovely posters in this thread so just wanted to say hello if that's ok with you




Dont push.... Im typing as fast as I can.......
Message 154 of 189
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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Won't somebody think of the doggie?  :_|




Ms. Mioux, I bet you're just like me - watching something like a disaster movie and all the yoomans are in terrible danger, fighting for their lives; I'll be screaming at the TV "Save the dog, somebody save the dog!".

Message 155 of 189
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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

😮 of course dilly no reason it wouldn't be is there?

Message 156 of 189
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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

BUT it's so swollen and sore.  And I know I am an over protective mother. 

BUT I'm thinking it might be worth getting xrayed?  (Hard to find a clinic with an xray tech on site on late Sunday afternoon and I'm certainly not going to go to emergency at the hospital for a suspected fractured finger - it's not an emergency).  I would usually give it until morning (because I know I overreact) but L is going away interstate with my parents for a week tomorrow, so it's not the best day to get an xray.


  So I guess, chances it's fractured would be pretty low?  Leaving an xray until tomorrow morning wont kill her as they wouldn't do anything different to what I have done with the finger, but I feel bad.  I want to help her.



What is a finger fracture?


A finger fracture is a crack or break of a bone in your finger.

What is the cause?

A finger fracture usually happens from hitting a hard object with the finger, being hit by a ball, getting a finger slammed in a door, or falling onto your hand.


What are the symptoms?

Symptoms may include:

pain, swelling, bruising, or tenderness ,trouble moving the finger,a crooked looking finger


How is it diagnosed?

Your provider will ask about your child’s symptoms and how the injury happened. He or she will examine your child. Your child will have X-rays of the finger.

A child's bones are different from an adult’s bones in a couple ways. A child’s bones are more flexible and may crack rather than break. Or they may just buckle slightly. Also, the bones are still growing from areas near the ends of the bones called growth plates. A fracture in a growth plate may affect the growth of the bone but it may be hard to see with X-rays. Sometimes special tests are needed to diagnose fractures in the growth plate.


How is it treated?

The treatment depends on the type of fracture. If the broken bone is crooked, your healthcare provider will straighten it. Your child will be given medicine first so the straightening is not painful. Sometimes surgery is needed to put the bones back into the correct position.

Your healthcare provider may put the finger in a splint. Depending on the type of fracture the splint may be on the bottom of the finger or the top. Your provider will decide if the finger should be kept straight or slightly bent. Your child will need to wear the splint for 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the injury.

Some finger fractures don't need to be splinted. They only need to be taped to the finger next to the injured finger (called buddy taping).


read more;http://www.cpnonline.org/CRS/CRS/pa_fingfrac_sma.htm



I hope that your DD is OK .


Message 157 of 189
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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

If it was jammed in the hinged side of the door, I'd be concerned, but if it was the latch side of the door then it's unlikely to be broken. Plus kids bones are soft and can take a bit of hiding.


Huh?   Ever heard of a greenstick fracture?



Message 158 of 189
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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Yes I have heard of greenstick fractures, common in young children particularly their arms.

I was trying to reassure the mother not make her feel worse by looking for worst case scenarios.



Message 159 of 189
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Jammed finger in the door - likely to be broken?

Yes I have heard of greenstick fractures, common in young children particularly their arms.

I was trying to reassure the mother not make her feel worse by looking for worst case scenarios.


The mother sounds quite capable to me, and in the case of a child the "worst case scenario" should be considered.   IMO



Message 160 of 189
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