Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep


Re: Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep

I suppose in her type of job as a performer all that may work but she looks pretty freaky. 


I feel sad actually that no doctor anywhere along the line has said no. Those breasts (which have expanders and are just going to keep growing, she said she doesn't care if they grow till she dies) are a long, long way from natural and can't be comfortable. At what point do medical practitioners say bluntly to someone they have mental issues and another op isn't in their best interests?

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Re: Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep

It is grotesque.


Something is very wrong with her self-esteem for her to be so disrespectful to her own body.


Message 3 of 59
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Re: Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep

she is in her twenties....my 1st thought is that she is signing her own death warrant...omg

Message 4 of 59
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Re: Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep

My first thought - was to clear the cookies - then the history.

Message 5 of 59
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Re: Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep

What a face.


What a figure.


Two more legs and she'd look like Trigger.

Message 6 of 59
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Re: Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep

Just to put it out there........


Back in the early 80's, I begged my mother for a bra. At age 15 in year 9, I was getting quite severe neck and shoulder pain. Playing sport at school was becoming increasingly difficult, especially for my favourite sport, the hurdles. Mum kept saying I didn't need a bra. I was too small. The sports teacher sent several letters home saying I couldn't participate until I got a bra.


Then one weekend, I won a voucher for a "non sexual" underwear shop, off the radio. Joans Foundation Fashion. Mum begrudgingly took me to use my voucher. I wanted a bra. The lady said, as soon as I walked through the door, she immediately picked me as a 10 Double D. In other words, bit b00bs. I chose a bra that I liked, and it felt comfortable, sort of. Back then DD was the biggest you could get from a regular store, unless you had them "specially made". I probably could have gone a bigger size, but my voucher didn't cover that. The neck and back aches continued, but not as bad.


When I was around 21yo, I lost some weight. Not intentional. About 10kg. Turns out I had one of those insanely high metabolisms. I could eat whatever I want and never gain weight. People hated me. I had to eat insane amounts of food so as not to lose any weight. My bra size went to a nice, comfortable 12C. I loved it!


Fast forward 25 odd years. Menopause. The weight piled on. Which was a good thing.......to an extent. The big issue was the massive increase in size of the chest puppies. The weight gain was quick, weight nearly doubled in less than 6 months, so my body had barely time to adjust. 


I am now falling out of an 18G and suffering badly. Why someone would choose to have b00bs that size, I have no idea why. My neck is all but unbearable, same with the shoulders. The back isn't much better.. At times, I love having a soak in a warm bath. If I hop into a bath, it feels like someone is standing on my chest, because of the puppies. 


Frankly, that woman looks absolutely hideous. How she could think she's attractive is beyond me. She needs to understand, that while she might get a few bucks from social media at the moment, it doesn't last long. I was feeling her neck and shoulder pain!


As for the surgeons, yes, they should be held accountable. Even the celebrity cosmetic surgeons wouldn't touch her (the 2 surgeons on "Botched".....Dr Dubrow and Dr Nassif, would have kicked her out.)


I can guarantee that by age 40, she'll have so many regrets, but sadly too late. If she even lives that long.

Message 7 of 59
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Re: Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep

As for the surgeons, yes, they should be held accountable


I quite agree.


I often use this question - If you are the only person in the world, would you still do this ?

Quite frankly I don't think anyone could answer yes, truthfully.

image host
Message 8 of 59
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Re: Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep

To quote Col. Kurtz in Apocalypse Now. "The horror.....the horror"

Message 9 of 59
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Re: Just when you think you'd seen it all - not for the faint-hearted - read it & weep

OMG, this reminded me of the "catwoman" a few years ago... Apparently she spent 4 million dollars to change her face?

'Catwoman' Jocelyn Wildenstein's changing face and life story as she's accused of 'cutting' her fian...

PS: It is recommended to open the link above in an incognito window.

Message 10 of 59
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