LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

Turn back the boats eh?


Expect another in days and Abbotts promises to be worth nothing.

Hear that silence?....it's the people who made this a hot issue  months before the election....and declared a stop to the boats with a new PM......they are silent. as expected.





Tony Abbott's government capitulated to Indonesia on Friday night, ordering a Customs boat with up to 63 refugees on board to go to Christmas Island.

An asylum seeker in Indonesia contacted Fairfax Media early on Saturday to say the boat had reached the Australian territory on Saturday morning after Immigration Minister Scott Morrison failed to convince Indonesia to accept their return.

"I have friends on the boat," the asylum seeker said in a text message, "and yesterday he says, 'My boat [has] reached.'"

The source said the people on board were from Pakistan and Afghanistan, and had been organised by people smugglers called Muzahir and Sher Ali.

The arrival is a loss of face for the Coalition, which vowed before the election that Australian authorities would not act as a taxi service for refugees. It may also encourage other people smuggling syndicates to try their hand.

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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

No reason for Indonesia to bow to Tony Abbott's demands.


Australia gives a large amount aid to Indonesia because it is located very close to Australia.  Pop of Indonesia 245.9 million. It is more to Australia's advantage to keep Indonesia as an ally than the other way around.

Message 51 of 76
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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

@am*3 wrote:

No reason for Indonesia to bow to Tony Abbott's demands.


Australia gives aid to Indonesia because it is located very close to Australia.  Pop of Indonesia 245.9 million. It is more to Australia's advantage to keep Indonesia as an ally than the other way around.

Same should go for Indon if it were a two-way relationship (friendship). Obviously that has failed the test!

They can monster us so they will? And we have to kow-tow to them 'cause they outnumber us? You think that's OK?


I think that's rather scary, myself.

Message 52 of 76
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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

I love Indonesia.

In then next 10 years they'll have a bigger economy than Australia.

I got lost in a city called Surabaya...it has more people in that one city than the entire population of Australia.

It is in both countries interest to have strong diplomatic relations.

Aid is important, too. Strong economies produce fewer social problems, especially things like terrorism and radicalism.

Message 53 of 76
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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

just_me_karen wrote:


I love Indonesia.


well whoop de doo


In then next 10 years they'll have a bigger economy than Australia.


Wouldn't surprise me


I got lost in a city called Surabaya...it has more people in that one city than the entire population of Australia.


how nice for you. It must have been a relief to lose yourself


It is in both countries interest to have strong diplomatic relations.


The emphasis should be  on "both"


Aid is important, too. Strong economies produce fewer social problems, especially things like terrorism and radicalism.


It goes both ways. Indonesia should ally themselve with us, in light of the aid we've given them. The fact that they are not should be ringing alarm bells


Message 54 of 76
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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

 in opposition Julie Bishop claimed they (the then opposition) had an 'understanding' with Indonesia. this was questioned at the time, but they stood by the statement. in opposition the government made many false claims about Indonesia. dear leader is a fool for getting offside with the very people his policy depends on isn't he ? or is that too harsh ?

Message 55 of 76
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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

@lakeland27 wrote:

 in opposition Julie Bishop claimed they (the then opposition) had an 'understanding' with Indonesia. this was questioned at the time, but they stood by the statement. in opposition the government made many false claims about Indonesia. dear leader is a fool for getting offside with the very people his policy depends on isn't he ? or is that too harsh ?

boat policy.jpg


I think this graphic in an earlier post illustrates it perfectly. Indonesia is laughing at us behind our backs.

The ALP knew better than to push it.

Mr Abbott put it to the test and it didn't pass. More fool him, indeed. Not a reflection of his leadership, though.


More, that alliances based on handouts (from previous govenrments) don't necessarily pass the test of time. 

Message 56 of 76
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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

he was reckless , he misrepresented the true situation hoping to patch it up afterwards. i find it odd that people swallowed it in the first instance to be honest.  so what we have now is essentialy rudds plan, which i also dislike.

Message 57 of 76
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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

In indonesia they probably consider us greedy selfish slobs, can't blame them.

Message 58 of 76
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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

@donnashuggy wrote:

In indonesia they probably consider us greedy selfish slobs, can't blame them.

I think they just consider us the "dumb blondes" of Asia Pacific region



Message 59 of 76
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LNP Asylum policy has Failed....no stopping the boats now

No, they're not laughing behind our backs. They're laughing on their national TV and on the front pages of all their main newspapers....which have a massive readership.

Phoney Fibbott is a farce, he makes me cringe while they laugh 😄

Lets just hope their laughter doesn't turn to anger.
Message 60 of 76
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