Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

NO to....politics


NO to.......religion


No to...............terrorism


Let's just say Hi all, how the hell have you been





You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 1 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

Hello and Hallelujah to that Greencat.. Hope the Avon works out, didn't for my Dil to many reps in her area, might be better for you.





Message 21 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

Funniest episode of I love Raymond on 11 tonight. Even the youngest is cracking up. The Sigh-
Debra claims the bathroom. I do love this show.
Message 22 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

Hi, all !

Greencat, go for it, and best of luck to make big bucks.


Sciatica giving me hell, but what can one expect from a worn out body?

Will have a couple of lousy days, but waiting for Saturday and our Melbourne Meet, is good medicine.


Have a great night everyone.

Hugs, Erica

Message 23 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

@2106greencat wrote:

I will start...


I have just joined up to become an Avon rep - may be the biggest disaster (or success) of my life, only time will tell, but at the end of it, succeed or fail I will know I gave it GO!


and I feel pretty dam good about that........

Best of luck with the new venture.

Somewhere down the back of the shed in a big box is a collection of ornate 1980,s avon bottles. I purchased thirty or fourty of them at a clearing sale for $5.00 around 15 years ago. I havnt actually seen them for years but do remember there was some really nice designs.


I also picked up a collection of around 300 dolls for $80.00. These where packed into large trunks and stored at the back of the shed to mature for a few decades.. If my daughter who was around five years old at the time did something special or helpfull round the house, she was allowed to go to the doll trunks and pick one thing out. This was a very special event and she would spend hours pulling them all out and lining them up before making her carefully considered selection. Shes a young teenager now but still asks about the doll boxes. Ahhh ! Happy days.


PS. The dolls and Avon bottles are still there somewhere along with around 500 matchbox toy cars, boxes full of old cameras, thirty odd typewriters and about the same in old sowing machines. I might just let the kids sort that lot out......Smiley Very Happy

Message 24 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

could be a good inheritance for them ๐Ÿ™‚

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 25 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

I just think theres some delicous irony in the fact the daughter will probably have to clean it all up, but she,ll score all of those dolls she dreamed about as a small child.  Smiley Very Happy

Message 26 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY



You didn't hapen to have a Hassleblad camera among that lot did you?


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 27 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

I  couldnt say sorry. I used to buy them at auctions, garage sales and markets for few dollars and just wrapped them in newspaper and packed them in metal trunks. It was a bit of a compulsive hoarding / investment thing. Some of the things we put away such as enamel signs and oil bottles have become quite valuable. Most of these have already been sold, but there is still several sheds full of little treasures. Theres old ornate metal toasters, bakelite cannister sets, old tins & toys, 70,s orange glassware, valve radios, gas irons, kids trikes and scooters, old seagull outboard motors and motor cycles, those 1930,s and 40,s girls annuals books, all sorts of "stuff" that you could buy for a few dollars years ago. It will be an interesting stash for some-one in twenty or thirty years time.

Message 28 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

Not one like the picture sorry. Lots of the old folding bellows, concertina types, box brownies and 8 mm. film cameras. A few fancy ones with three lenses that rotate etc. but none like your photo unfortunately. It would be an interesting addition to the trunks. ( I still buy the occasional camera now and again. )

Message 29 of 42
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Re: Let's just have a good old chat.....SAY

I know where there is one just for the taking, but it is a bit of a challenge in getting to it.


The first moon landing left one on the surface of the moon.


That one would be worth billions ๐Ÿ™‚

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 30 of 42
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