London Attack

Shocking, just shocking 😞

Message 1 of 35
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Re: London Attack

"She's a politician so she is not a halfwit."


A few people might dispute that David if they read some of the carp she is spouting in relation to this attack.


Message 11 of 35
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Re: London Attack

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
"shes a politician so shes not a halfwit"

Is that so?

i think i might have been being sarrr-carrr-steek?

Message 12 of 35
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Re: London Attack



In the last year, four weaponized vehicles attacks have killed and injured hundreds, in what has become a new form of ISIS / Al Qaeda terror. 

1. Nice, Bastille Day cargo truck attack.

On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19 tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people and injuring 434.

The driver was Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a Tunisian resident of France.

The attack ended following an exchange of gunfire, during which Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was shot and killed by police.


2. Ohio State car attacker, inspired by ISIS

Abdul Razak Ali Artan rammed his car into a group of people on the Columbus campus before exiting the car and charged at others with a knife. Eleven people were hospitalized as a result of the attack.


3. Berlin Christmas Market truck attack

A terrorist attack on 19 December 2016, during which a truck was driven into the Christmas market next to the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church at Breitscheidplatz in Berlin, left 12 people dead and 56 others injured.


4. London, Westminter SUV attack

An SUV drove over Westminster Bridge knocking down pedestrians this afternoon killing at least four people in the process – including one policeman and the suspect – while injuring 20 others. Victims were said to have been left scattered in the road, with some reportedly floating in the River Thames.




Terror attack prevented in Belgium's Antwerp, police beef up security measures


Belgian police arrested a man on Thursday(March 23rd) after he tried to drive into a crowd at high-speed in a shopping area in the port city of Antwerp, a police chief said.

The man was of North African origin and used a car with French registration plates, Antwerp police chief Serge Muyters said.

Belgian prosecutor in charge of the case said that a rifle and bladed weapons found in the car, and the suspect is a French national.


Message 13 of 35
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Re: London Attack

i think what bothers me the most is after each of these terrible events our govt uses them as reasons to make new laws removing our rights. the way things are going we will end up with 'security' people with austomatic weapons everywhere and stopping anyone they dont like the look of and treating them like criminals.


in the UK they now have laws covering anti-terrorism which gives police almost unfettered power to not just stop someone but to arrest them, search them and give em a ticket for 'not co-operating' which kinda makes them gods now. like a police officor says you didn't 'comply' its your word against theirs. you only have to look at the USA to see what happens when police are able to be judge jury and executioner. people start dying for minor offences because they 'might be a terrorist'


the terrorists are winning! our defence system is killing or jailing inocents.


remember the kid chased into a train station and shot dead, turned out he was running to catch a train! oh but he looked like a terrorist they said, he was foriegn and had a back pack!


truth is, they cant stop these terrorist because they look like just about everyone. they can strike anywhere. anytime your walking in public one could drive a car over you! or just walk up to you and stab you to death.


nothing the authorities do can stop that.


all they can do is start treating us all as suspects, look a little odd, blam!

ok, maybe we havent got there yet but its comming.


each new bit of anti-terrorism law making helps the terrorists. one day you looked at some stories on the internet about an attack, your ip address gets flaged as someone researching terrorists. you go into a data base for 'further' assesment.


even when the authorities pick up on these real terrorists they let em go and its after the 'event' we hear...oh yes we knew about him but he posed no threat' like to rethink that now?


win the war on terrorists? never gonna happen.

Message 14 of 35
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Re: London Attack

Not all Muslims are terrorists BUT if would appear that most terrorists are Muslims



Message 15 of 35
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Re: London Attack

unfortunately (or fortunately) just being a muslim isnt a reason to be locked up (or even to be profiled) because some muslims are terrorists.


if we were to go down that path our jails would need to be a thousand times larger because we wouldnt just be locking up muslims we would be locking up all the aborginals in australia because a number of them steal cars and do break and enters and go on police car chases that often end in the deaths of innocent bystanders.


where would it stop, lock up all men because its mainly men who murder their partners when the relationship ends?


i just cant see a way to end terrorism, we can keep making new laws until no one can leave their homes without a police escort 'just in case' but terrorists will still do terrorist things.


so we increase police at large events, there are hundreds of events evey weekend that have little or no police presents, are the people attending those just not important enough to protect? of course not, there are not enough police to protect every event.


as this latest attack shows, even a place like central london cant be protected, not even parliment house in central london! if some nutter/terrorist wants to get in a car and mow down a hundred innocent people then get into a highly policed are and kill a policeman he can and did.


personally i dont think the ISIS had ever heard of this nutter, they just said he was "one of us" because thats what they do. its not like ISIS has an office in your capital city like our army does where you go to sign up. no, if your a nutter you just wake up one morning and decide i'm a freedom fighter and off you go.


i dont even know how many of those that have been arrested that we see shown on tv with much fanfare ever get found guilty and 'put away' yes, we see hooded men getting 'taken away' but do we get it splashed on every news when they get locked up for good? not that ive noticed. or do they just get quietly released because we cant actually prove they are terrorists until AFTER they kill someone?


dont we see the same thing with domestic violence, how many women die that have orders out against their ex's but police say we cant do anything until he does something. but of course when he does something its usually too late isnt it?

Message 16 of 35
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Re: London Attack

@bushies.girl wrote:

Not all Muslims are terrorists BUT if would appear that most terrorists are Muslims



Sounds like a favourite saying from NeroBolt, who has been seen here since the LNP won the 2013, probably back at his news Ltd desk. Bu,  I think that it may have originated from Andrew Bolt ?


Martin Bryant who killed 35 in his rampage is said to be mass killer because he is not Muslim, while Khalid Masood who killed 5 in his rampage is a terrorist because he is Muslim ?

Message 17 of 35
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Re: London Attack

Yeah was thinking that re the guy who drove into the pedestrians in the Burke Street mall


re Bryant, dont think they were called "terrorists" back then   ... but I do get your point

Message 18 of 35
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Re: London Attack

has anyone had an actual reason why bryant the scumbag shot all those people?


most of the so called terrorists have somewhere made a statement or been mixed up with terror related stuff, even if its just looking stuff up on the internet.


i dont think ive ever hear anyone say weather bryant has ever said why he thought murding all those people.

Message 19 of 35
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Re: London Attack

Perhaps he had no real reason apart from what was in is addled brain   .... Apparently he was always a tad odd

Message 20 of 35
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