on โ02-07-2013 01:17 PM
on โ02-07-2013 05:29 PM
It is very sad.
pharmacists are trained professionals who are required and trained to do more than look at the first letter of a medication and/or the pictures on the labels .
on โ02-07-2013 05:29 PM
Many of the generics don't have the nice coating that makes them go down easier, always worth asking about cost as a 50c saving isn't worth the effort and possible mix ups with different names on products
on โ02-07-2013 05:36 PM
It is very sad.
pharmacists are trained professionals who are required and trained to do more than look at the first letter of a medication and/or the pictures on the labels .
They are...unfortunately, mistakes happen.
Always check every medication you are given.......always.
on โ02-07-2013 05:52 PM
The generic prescription medicine does work fine. The patent has expired on the brand name one, and the ingredients used to make that are available for anyone to copy/tweak.
However if they generics are going to cost the same or nearly the same as the brand name one, I would go for the brand name one too.
I noticed on one prescription I got in the past, there was only about 50c difference, so didn't bother with the generic.
We have a TW chemist in the mall and for panadol type, off the shelf ,pharmacy only product they are more expensive than other chemists.
on โ01-08-2013 09:43 AM
Another month has passed and time for the script to be refilled. This time I wasn't asked which I would prefer, I had to tell the girl I wanted the original brand which put her out as she had already marked 'same as previous', then when it was filled one of the medications was the Terry White brand and I had to put up with a lecture about how they have the same active ingredients. She did swap it when I pointed out I had specifically asked for the 'proper' brand.
on โ01-08-2013 10:43 AM
Not really pertaining to this thread but after having dental treatment recently I purchased some pain relief from the local discount pharmacy. It was a chemists brand panadol/codeine mixture that cost me $7.99 for a pack of 40 tablets.
Two weeks later I went to an Amcal Pharmacy in our local shopping centre and I bought another box as my husband was also using this medication post surgery.
I almost fell in a heap when I was told that this exact same product in the exact same box, same brand would have cost $18.99 at the Amcal chemist.
I told the assistant that the Discount Pharmacy in an adjoining suburb was selling the exact same item for over $10 less. So she offered it to me at the cheaper price.
That is one hell of a mark up.
I won't be returning to that Amcal pharmacy again, that's for sure.
on โ01-08-2013 11:06 AM
on โ01-08-2013 11:42 AM
@*elizabeths-mum* wrote:Another month has passed and time for the script to be refilled. This time I wasn't asked which I would prefer, I had to tell the girl I wanted the original brand which put her out as she had already marked 'same as previous', then when it was filled one of the medications was the Terry White brand and I had to put up with a lecture about how they have the same active ingredients. She did swap it when I pointed out I had specifically asked for the 'proper' brand.
EM I have had them try that on me, I just respond with I am the customer and give me what I want or I will go else where for every thing.
Seems to get the point across
The generics are supose to be a big saving to the customer, I think the chemists are just charging almost the same and making more profit.
on โ01-08-2013 11:46 AM
If someone spoke to me that way I would probably just say that there is a very good Amcal just down the road Sir.
on โ01-08-2013 11:54 AM
lucky you dont work in retail then, dint think the owner would be very happy