My Kitchen Rules

Love Love Love this show!   Okay, so love the Tassie father and son.  Jake - please? Anything positive to say at all?  Jessie & Biswa, why go on a cooking show if you don't like vegetables, they better be able to cook or the knives will be out for them after their attitude tonight.  Craig & Kerrie tonight, (someone tweeted she was channeling Kath Day Knights voice) - spot on.  Nice couple though - go the Vics!

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Re: My Kitchen Rules

Community Member

I think so Crystal. I thought they were the Asian girls. I don't know why.

Message 311 of 499
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Re: My Kitchen Rules

I think it is possibly too Crystal.  Might be Cabramatta language lol! oh that sounds terrible maybe I should ask hubby to ask his aunt she still lives out at Cabramatta I think.


Mlor my cousin is a kindy teacher but not qualified to teach primary level she'd have to go back and do another year of Uni for that.   Though if you mean kindy level in NSW which is the same as Preps in Vic which is different again.  

Message 312 of 499
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Re: My Kitchen Rules

With the exception of the 2 asian chicks and the cupcake gal, I like them all. And I liked the girl nerd. He was a bit of a wet sock tho.


So it's going to be hard to pick someone I want to win.


But I suppose the Tassie dad and son team are the ones who have impressed me most. What a great bond they have and they seemed to work really well as a team.



Message 313 of 499
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Re: My Kitchen Rules

i think the new judge is a bit mean.

After all, none of the contestants are professional cooks

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Message 314 of 499
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Re: My Kitchen Rules

I like the Tassie father and son, and the personal trainers from NSW. They all seem like genuine, down to earth type people.

The sausage king and his wife are pretty down to earth too.


Miss Cupcake is just so over the top, that tutu she wore the other night was a fire hazard. All we needed was the male ballet dancer to be in his tights and they could have done a quick Swan Lake around kitchen HQ during courses. I do like Miss Cupcake's friend though, she seems very calm, level headed and doesn't lose the plot like her offsider.


I think the nerdy guy just can't function in a high pressure situation  cooking show. He looked completely lost most of the time, and it was only his friend who kept things going for them.


Sadly I can't see Mr Smiley and his cousin from Melbourne lasting too much longer in the show.


The rudeness of the NSW girls is just beyond me. I just wish they would have a major calamity in their kitchen and get eliminated.


Tonights cooking should be interesting watching.

Message 315 of 499
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Re: My Kitchen Rules

I'm going to barrack for the QLDers who love to cook sausages! But I reckon the two personal trainers boys from Bondi will be pretty tough to beat if they can keep up with all that unhealthy, yummy food.

Message 316 of 499
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Re: My Kitchen Rules

Community Member

I'm primary school NSW poisonivy. ๐Ÿ™‚



I'm recording tonight's episode, so haven't watched it yet to find out the names. So far I Iike the sausage guy and his wife and the 3 male teams. I think the father and son team could win. There is a male/female couple I think might win too but will have to wait until I find out the names later before I can say who they are.

Message 317 of 499
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Re: My Kitchen Rules

Community Member

What happened tonight?  I had to go at 8.30 at my daughter came out with a blood nose so (Obviously) I had to help her, clean her up, settle her down, change the sheets etc and get her back to sleep!


I like'd Jake and Elle's pork baguette.  I totally would have ordered that.

Message 318 of 499
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Re: My Kitchen Rules

Community Member

Jake and Elle won. They got to choose 1 team to be safe and they chose the older couple. I haven't learnt all the names yet. The Tassie father and son team cooked a horrible dish which consisted of cinnamon chicken skewers. Yuk. I think they just had a bad night. I think Josh and Andie (don't know how to spell Andie) have a good chance of winning.

Message 319 of 499
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Re: My Kitchen Rules

Well done to them for coming through tonight when they were behind the eight ball on prep time against the other teams, Jake and Elle worked well together.  I was disappointed for Mick and Matt tonight but yes every team can have a bad night.


I will admit to being in fits of laughter when Ashlee and Sophia started fighting and I noticed she even called one of their customers 'babe' cringe.  Those two girls really need to step it up a bit and cook something other than an asian dish to see if they really can cut the mustard in the competition.

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