I'm going to barrack for the QLDers who love to cook sausages! But I
reckon the two personal trainers boys from Bondi will be pretty tough to
beat if they can keep up with all that unhealthy, yummy food.
I think it's because you need to put the most important keyword at the
beginning, eg if you are selling a 1973 Vintage Golf Club SP Loving Cup
St Michaels Little Bay NSW 'Warwick Trophy' you need to rearrange your
keywords so that the word 'trophy' i...
If they complained about the shipping cost & gave you nuetral feedback
they probably also scored you 1 or 2 stars for postage. Just do free
shipping. Then they won't be able to rate you anything less than 5 stars
for postage & handling. (In fact ebay...
Hi onyxbutterfly, This started happening to us once we switched from
clickandsend to eparcel I don't know why but even with tracking and
signature, things from time to time do still go missing. I think you
have to accept that its just part of life bu...