on 02-04-2009 01:05 PM
on 08-07-2014 06:28 PM
Poor dad. 😞
on 08-07-2014 06:38 PM
That is bad luck for your Dad, Amy. Is he still ok living on his own Would give anyone a fright
on 09-07-2014 09:20 AM
on 12-07-2014 12:50 PM
Oh Amy. I'm so saddened to know that a certain few undesirables happened to just make things worse for your Dad.
God bless all of you.
on 12-07-2014 01:05 PM
I can understand how your Dad feels Amy, I m of that age where it maddens me and I speak up, but, we are getting to that age where it can be dangerous for us to speak up.
on 01-09-2014 09:40 AM
The ratbag kid gangs in dads street are still desperately trying to get in his house.
The neighbour spotted 10 of them on his roof the other day and yelled at them and called the cops. Then they were spotted trying to climb the electricity poles in the street to cut the power to his house.
Then on Friday, dads alarm security rang to say his back door was broken open. The got into the kitchen and stole the loose change on the counter then bolted cause the alarm went off.
But its known they then stand back and watch to see how long security takes to get to the house so they know how long theyve got the next time they break in.
Im furious but dad just doesnt seem fazed.
My sister went over to the house to help fix the door and she said the place is just a mess. The yard is like a jungle and there were just heaps of different pill containers all over the coffee table.
She tried to talk to him about it but he was not interested. While my sister and her hubby were fixing his door, he was getting ready to go out to dinner with his new "friend".
on 02-09-2014 10:06 PM
Ah geez, shame on the parents. I don't know why some folks bother having kids when they can't be bothered raising them.
Such a shame that the rest of us have to put up with the consequences of their deplorable parenting and empathy.
on 03-09-2014 10:24 AM
still sending you, love n hugs Amy.
on 05-12-2014 09:21 AM
So our 8th Christmas is coming since Mums accident.
Everything is still the same except that Dad now has a girl friend.
I have no issue with this. My sister has met her and says she is nice.
There have been a few things though that have angered my sister and I.
My nephew and his wife invited my sister, my brother in law, my niece, her two kids and my dad around for a family dinner ( a very rare thing for my family), but dad couldnt go as he was going round to his gf's for dinner instead.
My dad forgot my birthday completely but then informs me about buying his gf a new tv for her bday
Dad said he couldnt ring my daughter on her birthday as he was having dinner with his gf.
He still only rings me when he has won something on rbay and needs me to pay for it for him and he never ever asks about my kids. Yet i am now hearing all about the things he does with his gf.
Am i having a whinge? Yes, i am. Have no where else i can whinge 😞
On Christmas day my nephew has invited everyone to his place for a bbq breakfast. Dad is going and he is taking his gf.
on 31-12-2014 09:30 AM
Another year coming to an end.
So we will be heading into the 8th year since Mums accident.
Will this year be the end of it?
Dad seems happier now that he has a new friend. My sister is getting more and more depressed. Me, well i just go with the flow.
Im happy for my Dad and listen uncomfortably to him telling me about the dinners and things he is going to, and i try and cheer my sister up.
Please let this year be the end