on 02-04-2009 01:05 PM
on 17-09-2016 04:46 PM
remember me?
long time no post.
How are you all?
My life has been crazy, but first an update on Mum
No change. Can you believe its been nearly 9 years and shes still the same.
9 years. Its unbelievable really,
Im hoping to get to see her soon, but other set backs are delaying that.
Set back 1- I left my husband 2 months ago. I should of left him years ago but better late than never. The kids and i moved into a small timber rental and have never been happier. Im finding me again. I lost myself a long, long time ago. Its gonna be a mean and messy divorce but im getting stronger everyday am ready for the fight.
Set back 2- i had a full elbow reconstruction last weekend. Had a fall at work 9 weeks ago and pretty much wrecked every part of my left elbow. So now im in a full arm brace, unable to move it at all, or drive for 6 weeks. Then will be doing at least 6-8 months of weekly physio.
I will say though, if youre going to completely destroy a body part, do it at work. Work cover have been fantastic
on 17-09-2016 05:51 PM
Hello again DD.
I'm so sorry that you have been going through such a rough time: for you though, there will be a silver lining in those clouds and once everything settles down, I hope all your dreams really do come true and many doors will swing open once again for you xxx
on 17-09-2016 07:19 PM
on 19-09-2016 09:27 PM
on 23-09-2016 08:10 AM
on 23-09-2016 08:54 AM
on 23-09-2016 09:01 AM
Amy I am sad for you, I know your Mum's passing was coming, and how upset you were that she was living in the state she was in, but, at the end of the day, you have still lost your beloved Mum and it is heartbreaking.
Big year for you but you sound strong, hope all your problems resolve themselves.
on 23-09-2016 09:05 AM
on 23-09-2016 10:01 AM
DDB so sorry to hear of your mothers passing, she hung on for so many years.......
Remember all the happy memories that you have of her.
She is now resting in Peace ❤️
on 23-09-2016 11:30 AM
DDB I am so sorry for your loss.
You can never be completely prepared