My Mums update thread

This thread is dedicated to my Mother and her recovery.


On Monday the 4th June 2007, while holidaying in the UK with my Father, my Mother was struck by a van while crossing the road.

Mum spent 88 days in various UK hospitals before finally being brought home back to Australia on the 30th August 2007.

She is currently in The John Whittle Nursing Facility with brain damage

I have set up this thread to keep you all updated on her condition and her improvements and hopefully one day, Mum will be able to read it.
 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
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My Mums update thread

So sorry - my thoughts and love to you and you family

Map out your future, But do it in pencil, The road ahead is as long as you make it.
Make it worth the trip.
Jon Bon Jovi
Message 1601 of 1,616
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My Mums update thread

daydreams, remember all the good about your she is with you always.



image host
Message 1602 of 1,616
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My Mums update thread

Have followed this from the very beginning .. very sorry for your loss .. my thoughts are with you Heart

Message 1603 of 1,616
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My Mums update thread

Hi Amy


I've followed this thread from the very beginning, through your ups and downs, your good times and bad and am now saddened to hear the your mother has passed away.


I have tears in my eyes for you and your family, and hope that times are happier for you soon.




Message 1604 of 1,616
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My Mums update thread

Message 1605 of 1,616
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My Mums update thread

A very sad day coming up for you tomorrow daydream. I hope you are ok. xx

Message 1606 of 1,616
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My Mums update thread

Am back home after attending my Mums funeral. It was hard. Easily the worst day of my life. 

My dad, sister and I attended a viewing and I got to tell her that I loved her, that I was sorry and that the kids and I will be ok, but that wasn't my Mum in the casket. It wasn't the mum I'm going to remember. 

I wrote a 5 min eulogy and was able to get through the whole thing. It wasn't until she was being wheeled out and put in the hearse that I lost it. The crying turned into uncontrollable sobbing and then hyperventilating. I was about to collapse when a friend came to help me.

Now it hard to believe she is really gone. I guess that because i really lost her 9 years ago.

i think dad will be ok. He is thinking about going on a cruise. My worry with him is that he has become a hoarder. It's hard to move around his house. He says he will sort it out but I think he's past being able to do that.

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 1607 of 1,616
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My Mums update thread

Hi daydream, I felt the same way when we had mum's viewing. It isn't the way I remember her that's for sure. It does get easier as time passes but it is never easy. I hope your dad will be ok.

Message 1608 of 1,616
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My Mums update thread

as the time passes you will start to remember the good things and have a little smile when you think of her, the pain won't be as sharp.


just allow yourself that time. 

Message 1609 of 1,616
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My Mums update thread

Hey Amy
Thinking of you xoxo
Message 1610 of 1,616
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