on 19-06-2013 09:47 AM
Day 3 of the great 'You have to play the game my way or you can't play in my sandpit ner ner' week and I see it has created the biggest them and us type divide on the boards since the great malicious code scandal aka malwaregate.
Congratulations. 😐
on 20-06-2013 01:20 PM
I started a thread on RT about a sellers (not named) restrictive paypal conditions for an item I was considering buying. (Before paypal was a compulsory option). The thread turned wild, accusations that I was being in competition with seller and targeting that seller. Wasn't even a seller myself at that time.Thread was removed. Sanction overturned though.
I only wanted to know what others thought of the restrictive paypal conditions listed in the item description.
on 20-06-2013 01:21 PM
Why thank you daydream. :-x I know, let's rehash all our past petty squabbles and pretend we are "thinking people" for awhile. :^O
on 20-06-2013 01:29 PM
sometimes thinking is not all it's cracked up to be........
on 20-06-2013 01:36 PM
Sometimes people like a little 'escape' from thinking, and a general chat board is a good place for that... some friendly, light hearted discussions.
on 20-06-2013 01:39 PM
Day 3 of the great 'You have to play the game my way or you can't play in my sandpit ner ner' week and I see it has created happened. ,the biggest them and us type divide on the boards since the great malicious code scandal aka malwaregate.
Congratulations. 😐
Day 5. of the divide, what has happened?
The dog whistle is gonski. The conservative one which was pretty benign is gonski.
Now today we get the master commanding her troops not to respond to the opposition that way they'll get tired & go away.
Even the Love thread went gonski yesterday.
We all know what happens when you are a gin drinker, gin is known as "mothers ruin".
I have worded this in the most obscure was so as to not kick the hornest nest, OK?
Winners: 0
on 20-06-2013 01:42 PM
Confused who to vote for? Can't say I agree with this ladies opinion, especially the last sentence.
Abbott, the thinking person's prime minister
Tony Abbott is the thinking person's prime minister, and to my mind, regardless of what certain women might try to argue, Tony Abbott is the thinking woman's prime minister.
Nicolle Flint is a PhD student at Flinders University and an Age columnist.
on 20-06-2013 01:54 PM
on 20-06-2013 01:57 PM
on 20-06-2013 02:00 PM
"Yes. I am serious "thinking person" most of the day. I come here to stop thinking"
on 20-06-2013 02:05 PM
This thread is not to be turned into a political thread
Not on my watch
Sorry, humble apologies. Just trying to help out the thinking people choose a new PM.
Won't happen again.