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My day

After several hours during the week clearing and cleaning up a messy garden my day started like this before and after 002.JPG

Message 1 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Hiya Sandy.  Read about your sojourn to Mildura. And the comforts of the home away from home.


My DD (ex- Riverlands SA girl) used to meet up with her now-partner there.  And many moons ago, I travelled there for my chosen sport competitions.


Can get very dry, I believe.


I had the impression that Bushie lived south-west of the state. She may confirm either way.


Your hubby certainly has been busy with his travels of late and is probably enjoying the "pottering around" on home turf.  




Edit:  Missed your "Stawell  visit",  thought you meant bushie was near MilduraHeart

Message 6701 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Good morning


Another stunning Spring day here today ๐Ÿ™‚


Sandy I think Banksia Roses can be grown from cuttings,  I have tried with no success but I am sure I read somewhere they can  ..... Stawell is at the other end of the Grampians from me, I have never been there, make make a trip up that way when time permits


I am not a makeup person at all  .... I'm a  true "bushie" no jewellery, makeup, nail polish etc, my hair is lucky if it gets a comb some days  lol


B3 haven't seen you around for while, hope all if going well with you and the latest addition


DEB Saw you post re trams in Sydney, they had them, took them away and now they are putting them back lol


Thought you might like to see this pic of my Banksias, they look spectacular atm













Message 6702 of 6,720
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Re: My day

I can just and only just remember getting on a tram in Sydney. It would have been about 1957/8.  I remember the wooden slatted seats and the wooden step up.


Former tram terminal just around from Circular Quay. 


Sydney Opera House construction (1).jpg


Some may identify a well known brand of ale in the top right hand corner.Smiley Happy


Some may identify a well known Wonder of the World in the next photo of the same promonitory in the harbour.


opera-house at night.jpg






Message 6703 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Bushie the curtain of banksia roses is magnificent.  Those step railings look good too.


Is there a hint of mauve/purple in the base planting near the first set of steps?



Message 6704 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Thanks bushie - I have put the cuttings in so here's hoping.  I had a pink one at our house as well.


Your's looks beautiful and the steps as well.  Would love to see a front on with all those roses out in flower.


Interesting to see a photo of circular quay before the opera house Deb. Do they still have trams in Brisbane?  I remember catching a tram on our honeymoon - nearly 50 years ago.

 photo 214a93fa3a9e326200857a2dbc30e730_zps379416e4.jpg
Message 6705 of 6,720
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Re: My day

DEB I remember the old trams, used to have to catch one to school .... Sydney has changed just a tad, still as gorgeous as ever, not that I have been there for yrs and have no intention of doing so.

The Banksias are under planted with roses, lavender and strawberries.

Hope your cuttings take for you Sandy, I have not seen the pink one, sounds lovely

The front does look lovely atm, sorry no pic, shows too much of my house

Has Frank planted his veggies? Mine are all powering atm, made some coleslaw today using spring onions and cabbage I had grown, tastes so much nicer than the store bought ones.

Message 6706 of 6,720
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Re: My day

things have been very busy in the B3 household....


I had a major birthday last weekend and all but one child (he is in South America on holidays) planned to be there for it -

The DOS drove down  (with wife and kiddies in tow)  from Queensland, and then had to fly home for his best mate's funeral - sad times for him as they were very close. But I did have all the grandies here, and had a lovely picnic at the beach, folowed by cake at home!





I had a license renewal as well.... they would only let me get a 5 yr one this time Smiley Sad

But I did get it for half price!!

Message 6707 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Belated birthday greetings B3Smiley Happy, so lovely that most of your family were able to be there to share it with you    ...  How is the new little addition? I hope things have started to settle down a bit for you and your daughter   .... How is your veggie gardening going? what did you end up planting?



Waves good morning to Amber, DEB, Sandy, Tas and anyone else who may be having  a peek at this thread ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 6708 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Hi Bushie


Frank hasn't planted much yet.  He has been adding chook manure to some of his garden and is about to start.  We don't usually plant tomatoes too early but a friend who has 5 acres and always has a beautiful vegie garden says thngs are going to be early this year and he is starting to put his tomatoes in.


We have silver beet from last year that we mainly plant for chooks go mad.  The strawberries are in flower, our cherry tree has more on it than it ever has.  I bought a small diggers tomato - neber heard of it before.  Also saw Nellie Kelly tomatoes - have you grown them.  I have never noticed them before, only Nellie Kelly passionfruit and strawberries.


He also bought some dwarf bean seeds which I love the most and will definitely put zucchini in again.


What vegies have you put in so far.  You are a bit warmer up your way.


Hi to everyone else.

 photo 214a93fa3a9e326200857a2dbc30e730_zps379416e4.jpg
Message 6709 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Hello Bushie, everyone Heart


still have some catching up to do here


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 6710 of 6,720
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