on 06-01-2017 11:11 AM
on 14-01-2017 10:19 AM
on 14-01-2017 11:47 AM
Interesting figures Viewmont, why am I not surprised? The rich get richer etc.
Mylon .... Hence the 20 or so trips to the GC? A cpl came forward and reported that she had looked at their GC house twice, then made an unsuccessful bid on it ... I personally dont care how much property anyone owns, as long as they have obtained it legally and aren't using the taxpayers' hard earned $$$ to run around and inspect/buy it.
on 14-01-2017 01:51 PM
@icyfroth wrote:What did she mean "it was a diversion"?
A diversion from what.?
@bushies.girl wrote:Don't ask difficult questions Icy lol
No really. A diversion from what? The real issues?
Like sustainable energy not being sustainable? Australian farmland being sold of to Indonesia for war maneuvres? Australian values being eroded in the quest for multi-culturalism?
on 14-01-2017 01:55 PM
Icy I think the pollies call it "sidewards stepping" .... they love diversions that hold them up from actually dealing with important issue, means they dont need to think as much ( not that they think much anyway )
on 14-01-2017 02:52 PM
@bushies.girl wrote:Icy I think the pollies call it "sidewards stepping" .... they love diversions that hold them up from actually dealing with important issue, means they dont need to think as much ( not that they think much anyway )
So...does that make anyone stop and think? Hmmm what's the real issue here?
Or is the public so misinformed and misled they just let themselves get sucked into the maelstrom?
Hard not to, isn't it?
on 14-01-2017 08:36 PM
Personally I believe that most Au voters see through the BS, thanks to the media people are way more informed than they ever. In the future I belive we will see more "swinging seats", eg we will give you a term but if you dont perform you are out.
on 14-01-2017 09:38 PM
i think most people who watch the nightly news see our pollies doing things that are just plain bad/wrong want our political leaders to stand up and fix the problems.
not go missing in action like our PM has been since this has become news.
he should have had a behind closed doors meet with Ms Leys and told her, 1 repay the money and 2 sack her from her health job.
instead he dissapeared, had various MPs making statements to the media making matters worse.
i rekon a PM that was on the nose just started smelling even worse!
on top of that, the one guy he really doesnt want looking good (exPM Abbott) is now strutting about like a peacock making noises like he wants the Leys health portfolio job!
our PM is also silent on the complete balls up the libs have made of the centerlink repayment scheme!!
P.S. i'm also in the middle of trying to get connected to mr tunrballs better cheaper faster NBN.
my area went 'live' on the 30th december, i checked my address on the NBN site and yes, it was available at my address....HOORAY i said.
found an ISP within an hour of seeing i was able to get NBN, checked again using the ISPs NBN address checking gadget got a yes and signed up.
2 weeks without any news then i get an email from my chosen ISP saying NBN is NOT available at my address!
so i go back to the NBN page and look up my address again, now it shows my area is not "ready for service"
14-01-2017 09:50 PM - edited 14-01-2017 09:51 PM
IMO David the smarter, faster, you beaut NBN, is going to be a total disaster for the Libs. Cheaper is NOT always better ....
Don't think we will ever see Abbott back on the front bench, so he will have to contend with sitting up on the back bench white anting Turnbull
When I lived in Albury, Ley was my local member, in the 3 yrs I lived there, I never once caught sight of her, even at election time, she was too busy swanning around trying to look important ...... Next election will be interesting, assuming she hasn't resigned her seat by then.
Mind you I cant say Tehan, is any better ..... nothing gets done here
Which area of SA are you in David?
on 14-01-2017 10:00 PM
i'm in a small seaside town called wallaroo, mainly a grain port and holiday destination for city folk with holiday homes.
population triples at xmas time.
very quiet the rest of the year.
easter gets busy too.
NBN started being constructed in april last year and the 30th of december was well publicised as out date for being switched on.
and it seemed it was switched on for a while.
i rang my local telstra store and was told there seems to be a stuff up in my actual area but they had no idea what it is or when we might be switched back on.
on 14-01-2017 10:10 PM
Have been to Wallaroo David, year ago, I had a friend living on 2 acres in Warooka, spent a month holidaying there, love the Yorke Peninsula, would love to get back over there somtiime .... House prices over that way, have risen quite a bit since she lived there