'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Well why not? lol




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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

@bushies.girl wrote:

No one has said that Labor or any other political party are innocent    ..... I'm sure they have all had their "snouts in the trough" at some time   .... However, I don't remember Labor constantly cutting funding from those who can least afford it, whist at the same time taking care of their "mates" at the high end of town. Correct me if I am am wrong, wasn't wasn't it a Liberal pollie who stated "That the age of entitlement was over" 


As far as Turnbull is concerned it would be a pleasant change if he finally decided to speak up and started to actually lead the country, instead of being the lame duck PM he is .......

yes it was a leberal treasurer who said the 'the age of entitlement is over'


that same guy is now living it up in new york and chaging us to look after his kids while he wines and dines with the rich and famous.


and yes, bot labour and liberal are guilty of rorting, but its the liberals who are in govt so its the liberals who should be leading by example not hiding and hoping this all blows over.

Message 121 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Exactly my point David

Message 122 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Did she jump or was she pushed?  Good to see that Turnbull has finally found the courage to front the press, took him long enough

Message 124 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

What did she mean "it was a diversion"?


A diversion from what.?

Message 125 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Don't ask difficult questions Icy  lol 

Message 126 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

@bushies.girl wrote:

No one has said that Labor or any other political party are innocent    ..... I'm sure they have all had their "snouts in the trough" at some time   .... However, I don't remember Labor constantly cutting funding from those who can least afford it, whist at the same time taking care of their "mates" at the high end of town. Correct me if I am am wrong, wasn't wasn't it a Liberal pollie who stated "That the age of entitlement was over" 


As far as Turnbull is concerned it would be a pleasant change if he finally decided to speak up and started to actually lead the country, instead of being the lame duck PM he is .......

It hurts to admit it, but I agree with your post......Smiley Surprised

Message 127 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

 Dont make a habit of it   lol


Looks like Turnbull has finally found his voice, will be interesting to see if/when these announcemnts will be put into action    ..... Wanna take bets on who the next health minister will be? Tehan's name has been mentioned, he is my local member, not that I have ever laid eyes on him, he didnt even bother to visit my town during the last election. 

Message 128 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Member of the Australian Parliament
for Farrer

Assumed office
10 November 2001






The figures in the meme and link above are an example of around what poor Sussan can expect to receive. Throw in a gold travel card and she will not need to listen to us whinging plebs anymore



Poor bugger, 55 yeasr old, a pension at least three times that figure multiplied by 1000 and an investment property on the Gold Coast


I guess in the real world for the same actions against your employer (read us taxpayers as employers for Sussan Ley) you still end up with a taxpayer funded holidayl.... it's just in the real world they call it fraud.,,, you get no chance to pay it back.... and the holdiay ends at her majestys pleasure


Message 129 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

@twyngwyn wrote:

Sussan Ley has resigned:



i think the "resigned" is a bit of a strange term to use in this instance.


i think of resigning as you no longer work for the company anymore.


she has only resigned from her job as health minister, shes still got a job, she still is entitled to the 'perks' of the job.


so yes, shes taken a pay cut but she hasnt actually resigned as i understand resigning to mean, that is to us outside politics.


if an employee was caught taking money from the petty cash draw to pay for stuff they were not entitled to at 99% companys that employee would be looking for another employer to hire them. and having been sacked for stealing they would find getting another employer to hire them really hard.

Message 130 of 144
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