NDIS frustration for mum

NDIS frustration for mum who asks Minister to attend meeting after child denied wheelchair




whats the bet suddenly this lady gets all the stuff she needs now its a media story?

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Re: NDIS frustration for mum

David, this story upsets me no end. I have spent 2 days ringing around all the


disability advocacy places, disabilty support places, vinnies, trying to give a


needy person a perfectly seldom used fold up wheel chair and walker. They


would take them to sell, but I didn't want them sold. They even suggested I


put them on Gumtree for free - I told them no I wouldn't do that because the


chances of someone taking them and then selling them was a very high probability.


I finally called a place and the lady who I spoke to actually worked at the Nursing Home


where my Mum was. She knew of a Lady who picked up Pal care patients for shopping


or treatment and often hired a wheel chair to do this. So, i'm happy to say finally someone


offering her time to help others has now got a wheel chair and walker to use.



Message 2 of 26
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Re: NDIS frustration for mum

i too have out in my shed dads wheelchair, shower chair ect.

no one will take used things.

Message 3 of 26
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Re: NDIS frustration for mum

Honored Contributor

After reading the article I feel that the lack of a wheelchair is the least of that mother's worries.

That child seems to be quite uncontrollable at times and I would hate to think she was in the school system with my children.


Who is going to pay for the injuries to the people she hurts.....I am sure 6 teachers and a carer are not going to be willing to be used as punching bags forever.....I smell a few law suits coming up.

Message 4 of 26
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Re: NDIS frustration for mum

Community Member
When I was in primary school the teachers bashed me senseless with the blackboard ruler for years.
Only I pay for that and no one cares.
I have no sympathy for teachers but that makes me a horrible person
Message 5 of 26
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Re: NDIS frustration for mum

Not all teachers were like that.

My grandmother was an infants schoolteacher for over 50 years and she was adored by her students.

Message 6 of 26
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Re: NDIS frustration for mum

@martinw-48 wrote:
When I was in primary school the teachers bashed me senseless with the blackboard ruler for years.
Only I pay for that and no one cares.
I have no sympathy for teachers but that makes me a horrible person

Bet it was a Catholic school.


I had the same, and also an intense dislike for teachers.

Message 7 of 26
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Re: NDIS frustration for mum

Community Member
It was a public school.
Modbury primary school in Adelaide.
Most of the beatings were for not doing homework.
My father wouldn't let me do homework.
School work was for school hours.
I had chores to do when home.
The teachers always called me a liar.
The rest of the beatings were for challenging the current curriculum.
Books that were years old.
I had a brand new set of Encyclopedia Brittanica that I read from a to z as a novel and would correct the teacher.
Never went down well.
Then there was the odd non conventional statement
Message 8 of 26
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Re: NDIS frustration for mum

Community Member
I'm sorry to hear that stawka.
It's a pity that the nuns were so nasty
Message 9 of 26
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Re: NDIS frustration for mum

Community Member
lyndal, I'm glad that your mother was a decent human being and that her students had a normal student teacher relationship
Message 10 of 26
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