Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

Community Member

I have got to stop staying up late and reading what passes for news on the Internet.

Apparently, Hilary Clinton has said that if she becomes President, she'll reveal the truth about aliens.


Judge for yourself. Smiley LOL


Here's the link to the 7 News page. -


Smiley LOL

Message 1 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

No way will she win. She'll be lucky if she isn't charged with crime before elections.


I called this 3 years ago. I said that my age group was moving into position to take control and fix this MAJOR mess we're in. I didn't think it would happen for another 5 years, until Trump announced he was running funding his own campaign. I'm not the only one either, because he's leading by a mile and he's going to win.


When I said this in my previous post..."The fact that his using his own money is pretty big.  Years ago I argued about that very point. How is it even legal for someone to give millions to a candidate? It's an outright bribe! It results in completely incompetent people appointed jobs."


Those people I was disagreeing with...I also said why do these people need $100 million to run? Or more.

They don't!  I knew then that a person could run for nearly nothing. It's simple...get the news talking about you. They'd want to interview "you" for story...maybe even pay for the interviews.


That's exactly what he done.


Tonights Lotto jackpot is $450 Million Dollars! If I win....Jimmy for President 2024!*



*following Trumps successful 8 years. This is not a paid advertisement*



Message 11 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

Wonder if Monica will come out from under the desk in support?...........................Richo.

Message 12 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

Scoff if you must, but I have seen, with my own eyes, Little Green Men.

It was March 17th, I'll never forget the date...

Smiley LOL

Message 13 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...



Explains a few things. ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 14 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

The only thing Hillary knows about aliens are the ones the Democrats conspired to let illegally enter this country.


I didn't hit the lotto last night, so there goes my Presidential run.


No one jackpot....$675 Million.

Message 15 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

We've given the jobs to China and Mexico. Why? I've been asking that question for years. Why have we givin it all away?

This is why.How's Donald going to combat that? Pay American factory workers $1.50 an hour?

Figures are for 2013.

Workers schedules are set at six days a week, with 11-hour shifts, 20 minutes of which is unpaid. The remainder of the shift is paid at a rate of $1.50 and hour which equals $268 per month before overtime.
Message 16 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

P.S The above figures are for the Apple Corporation.
Message 17 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
We've given the jobs to China and Mexico. Why? I've been asking that question for years. Why have we givin it all away?

This is why.How's Donald going to combat that? Pay American factory workers $1.50 an hour?

Figures are for 2013.

Workers schedules are set at six days a week, with 11-hour shifts, 20 minutes of which is unpaid. The remainder of the shift is paid at a rate of $1.50 and hour which equals $268 per month before overtime.

I'm assuming those figures are what they're paid in Mexico and China...not here.


Must be, so...He explains that in the video I posted above. Which was not one of his better ones, I picked it at ramdom.


For example (from the video)...Ford is building a billion dollar plant in Mexico, then ships the vehicles here and charges full price (greedy bas....). Trump says he'll put a 35% tax on it, whatever it takes to make it more profitable to keep the jobs here. Those jobs and factories NEED to be kept here. What Ford is trying to do should be illegal. Ford isn't the only one either.


It needs to stop.

Message 18 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

Sorry,can't be done.Free Trade Agreements.
Message 19 of 53
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Re: Nanoo, Nanoo, Hilary...

Community Member

Trump for President..yeaaaaay

Message 20 of 53
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