Re: No Level Is Safe.

Community Member
Unfortunately the food chain is full of Glyphosate
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Re: No Level Is Safe.

Community Member
Canola (Rape seed) is chock full of Glyphosate too.
Deodourisers, bleach and who knows what else and we are told it's healthy.
I'm a diabetic so can't eat a lot of rubbish called food as I can't take medication due to the side effects being worse than the diabetes
So I can usually avoid processed foods but sometimes due to a lack of money and being stuck in a house with people that don't eat real food I have to eat some rubbish and it's not good
Message 3 of 17
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Re: No Level Is Safe.

Community Member
If you eat anything out of the ocean it's full of plastic.
Can't win.
Message 4 of 17
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Re: No Level Is Safe.

@martinw-48 wrote:
Canola (Rape seed) is chock full of Glyphosate too.
Deodourisers, bleach and who knows what else and we are told it's healthy.
I'm a diabetic so can't eat a lot of rubbish called food as I can't take medication due to the side effects being worse than the diabetes
So I can usually avoid processed foods but sometimes due to a lack of money and being stuck in a house with people that don't eat real food I have to eat some rubbish and it's not good

I would expect the levels of roundup in cereal crops would be minute as the spray is only used on the ground before the crop is sown. The only way roundup could find its way into cereals would be in a drought situation ( such as we have now ) where there has not been enough moisture in the soil to activate the quick breakdown of the chemical.


Canola, as Martin has mentioned is a completely different animal. Some states in Australia allow GM canola to be grown which is completely tolerant of roundup, allowing it to be sprayed on growing crops to control weeds. If that worries you, the next bit will give you nightmares. As the Canola plant reaches maturity of seedset and is still green, but nearly ready for harvest, the crop is sprayed with roundup to " desicate " it. Artificially drying the green plants off in a few days to promote fast and early harvest. ( this is to prevent " lodging"  or the small seeds falling to the ground due to wind damage. ) It is logical that this would cause excessive contamination of the seed with roundup, both in plant tissue and also externally from contact. 


The vegans who try to harass and force people to only eat plant based foods as it is supposedly healthier, completely ignore the high levels of chemicals, pesticides and processing that goes into most plant based foods. With a lot of our meat grown in the semi arid areas of Australia which are not suited to growing crops, it is highly likely that meat and even dairy products grown in Australia will carry less chemical residues than the majority of plant based foods.

Message 5 of 17
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Re: No Level Is Safe.

edit - It is non GM canola that is sprayed with roundup pre harvest. GM canola is sprayed with Gromoxone, a much more poisonous and dangerous chemical. Thats what your politically correct, vegitarian / vegan, canola based margarine is laced with folks........... Eat Dairy !!! 

Message 6 of 17
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Re: No Level Is Safe.

Deflection. Vegetarians/vegans aren't contaminating our food with carcinogens.
Message 7 of 17
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Re: No Level Is Safe.

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
Deflection. Vegetarians/vegans aren't contaminating our food with carcinogens.

That's true. The real problem as with so many other things is over population of humans who are devouring and destroying everything in our path.


There are so many humans on the planet who need feeding that we are using dangerous farming practices to supply enough fruit, grains and other plant products to enable the worlds population to eat food. And as with everything else, consumers want everything supplied as cheaply as possible, ie. we don't want to pay double or triple the price for the food we eat to enable farmers to grow it using more sustainable, but less productive farming practices. ( and if we did, poorer nations people would starve as productive land would not be producing to maximum capacity. )


The other point I was trying to make is that Australia's livestock is often grown on less productive soils in more arid climates that are not suited to crops. This results in much of Australia's broadacre meat production actually being genuinely cleaner, greener and more healthy than our plant based products which are grown in mono cultures with multiple applications of herbicides and pesticides. Something that is never mentioned by the PC class who push a plant based diet.


As with most things PC. the truth is often an inconvenient embarrassment that needs to be howled down at every opportunity, to ensure rational thinking does not get in the way of the latest fashion and control of the masses through mindless, herd mentality. example - radical veganism.


Basically a humans biology is designed to eat a certain amount of meat. We have the teeth for it, we have the digestive system for it and if we don't eat meat, our bodies become deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Vegetarianism and veganism is an artificial concept, that has evolved from a wealthy urban population living in an artificial man made environment that is disconnected from nature and the natural environment. It is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Message 8 of 17
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Re: No Level Is Safe.

@chameleon54 wrote:

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
Deflection. Vegetarians/vegans aren't contaminating our food with carcinogens.

That's true. The real problem as with so many other things is over population of humans who are devouring and destroying everything in our path.


There are so many humans on the planet who need feeding that we are using dangerous farming practices to supply enough fruit, grains and other plant products to enable the worlds population to eat food. And as with everything else, consumers want everything supplied as cheaply as possible, ie. we don't want to pay double or triple the price for the food we eat to enable farmers to grow it using more sustainable, but less productive farming practices. ( and if we did, poorer nations people would starve as productive land would not be producing to maximum capacity. )


The other point I was trying to make is that Australia's livestock is often grown on less productive soils in more arid climates that are not suited to crops. This results in much of Australia's broadacre meat production actually being genuinely cleaner, greener and more healthy than our plant based products which are grown in mono cultures with multiple applications of herbicides and pesticides. Something that is never mentioned by the PC class who push a plant based diet.


As with most things PC. the truth is often an inconvenient embarrassment that needs to be howled down at every opportunity, to ensure rational thinking does not get in the way of the latest fashion and control of the masses through mindless, herd mentality. example - radical veganism.


Basically a humans biology is designed to eat a certain amount of meat. We have the teeth for it, we have the digestive system for it and if we don't eat meat, our bodies become deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Vegetarianism and veganism is an artificial concept, that has evolved from a wealthy urban population living in an artificial man made environment that is disconnected from nature and the natural environment. It is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Not true, my daughter has been a vegetarian for over 20 yrs. She is one of the fittest, healthiest people I know.  

Message 9 of 17
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Re: No Level Is Safe.

Community Member
I'm into part of the Maasai diet.
Mainly milk and beef without the blood.
Since I became a diabetic and changed my diet I no longer get tonsillitis every year and some years haven't even had a sniffle.
I don't get the flu shot and have only had the flu once since becoming diabetic too
I also haven't had as many bouts of food poisoning
Message 10 of 17
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