North and South Korea agree to pursue signing a peace treaty

Honored Contributor

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in have agreed to seek an end to the armistice agreement and sign a peace treaty.


The announcement was made at the end of a historic day. Though it was the third Korean summit - the last occurred in 2007 - it marked the first time any leader of North Korea has set foot in South Korea.


Experts have warned that North Korea has shown on numerous occasions that the country is unable to keep its word.


During the day the two leaders held a number of talks in South Korea's Peace House, which was completely renovated for the occasion, and also in the gardens of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).


Tonight the two leaders will be joined by their wives for a symbolism-filled dinner.


This story is developing.

Message 1 of 18
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North and South Korea agree to pursue signing a peace treaty

i dont smoke anything, even getting a lungfull of someone elses smoke makes me angry.


but, i was under the impression the 'dope' they want leagalised id 'medicinal mariuwana' not the stuff people smoke to get high.


or have i got that wrong.


ive not followed the story closely, i thought the medicinal stuff was in a capsule you took orally.



Message 11 of 18
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North and South Korea agree to pursue signing a peace treaty

I hope they plan on using the profit expected to be $600mil per year in NSW


from the sale of cannabis by increasing the funding for mental health


if legalisation of recreational cannabis goes ahead they will need to.


I'm all for the use of medical cannabis under strict conditions.


I think rocket man is saving his tongue kiss for Trump.

Message 12 of 18
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North and South Korea agree to pursue signing a peace treaty

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

And I have to wonder what's in it for him. 


Nth. Koreans are starving, carrying worms, diseases on the rise, 25% of population addicted to drugs.


I think after his sister attended the winter olympics and many seeing what it is like on the other side, she has whispered in Kim's ear and he has realised they cannot continue on their own.

I too think his sister many have had something to do with this about face.  Perhaps he was also reminded of when he was educated overseas.


Also, it is possible he may have shaken off (or had removed) enough of the old guard he had inherited from his father's regime and has decided to assume a more benign control of the country.  Both Koreas can but hope, but according to news reports the meeting between the two Korea leaders was not broadcast in North Korea.

Message 13 of 18
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North and South Korea agree to pursue signing a peace treaty

@davidc4430 wrote:

i dont smoke anything, even getting a lungfull of someone elses smoke makes me angry.


but, i was under the impression the 'dope' they want leagalised id 'medicinal mariuwana' not the stuff people smoke to get high.


or have i got that wrong.


ive not followed the story closely, i thought the medicinal stuff was in a capsule you took orally.




I,m sure dope does have some merit in strictly controlled medical use, even with the THC still active. The fact that it is very effective in treating / assisting some conditions is just an indication that it is actually quite a strong drug and not the harmless plaything that many dope users make out.


The Greens policy is to decriminalise recreational dope use. We have got enough social and medical problems with alcohol & tobacco abuse. We don't need another drug of dependence / addiction legalised. As Freddy mentioned, dope contributes to mental health problems including depression and psychosis  / schizophrenia. In countries where recreational dope use has been made legal, statistics show there has been a marked increase in people suffering from these conditions.


Message 14 of 18
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North and South Korea agree to pursue signing a peace treaty


A real problem with recreational marijuana use is it's potential to cause psychotic-like symptoms. However, what isn't clear in all cases is whether the drug itself 'causes' the symptoms or whether it breaks down the person's self-control and the (already there but controlled) symptoms bubble through to the surface. So there is uncertainty whether the person was already psychotic, but socially in control of the symptoms, or whether the drug literally caused a psychotic episode? In most cases the episode passes. But in some instances the person remains psychotic and requires treatment. So the question then asked is, "Would the person have remained in control had they not abused marijuana"?


I have seen sane and intelligent people who have temporarily become psychotic whilst smoking MJ. I have struggled in trying to work out whether to tell them or not. My biggest fear is that they might understand that the psychosis is already there, bubbling under the surface, and that mental illness is just around the corner if they are overwhelmed by stress, for example. Of course ongoing MJ abuse would be stupid.


But medical cannabis is supervised, subject to strict selection criteria and is monitored very carefully, especially with respect to side-effects. It's use in the treatment of cancer patients, HIV patients and pain management etc. must be considered. It is a shame the drug is linked to drug abuse. Opiates and cocaine have been used in medicine for years, yet seldom does anybody speak out about that.

Message 15 of 18
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North and South Korea agree to pursue signing a peace treaty

Numerous studies have shown a link between regular marijuana use and the onset of schizophrenia. There are still questions as to whether long term use of dope causes schizophrenia or simply triggers early onset of the condition in those who are already pre-disposed to it.


Other factors of concern include the fact that regular dope smoking by teenagers often causes permanent brain damage, resulting in an average loss of 8 IQ points in regular teenage users, along with permanent, life long problems with memory loss. Another concern is its contributory effects to depression which seems to be an increasing problem in society. 


Perhaps a more general concern is the way dope takes away a persons initiative and drive, often leaving regular users unemployed and unemployable.


marijuana is an insidious drug. It makes regular users chilled out and relaxed, while at the same time stripping away their drive, initiative and health, leaving many long term users unemployed and physically & mentally unwell. It leaves them as a chronic burden on society and their families and friends. Why would you condone it by legalising the recreational use of such a damaging drug ?

Message 16 of 18
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North and South Korea agree to pursue signing a peace treaty


I think I have mentioned previously on this board that I used to work with a psychiatrist who was an internationally renowned expert on the treatment of heroine addiction. In conversation I once asked him if he had a view on marijuana abuse. He replied that from his observations, giving up marijuana is harder than giving up heroine. He stated that MJ consumes the person, can cause serious mental health concerns and is physically dangerous. He said one joint would have about 3 times the tar and 5 times the carbon monoxide concentration of one tobacco cigarette. MJ is also known to have higher levels of ammonia and hydrogen cyanide, and over 1000 other substances and toxins that have not been medically tested. So he was of the opinion that marijuana is not only a drug which is potentially dangerous to one's mental health, but also a significant risk to one's physical health, especially if smoked on a regular basis.

Message 17 of 18
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North and South Korea agree to pursue signing a peace treaty

And I believe THC remains and builds in the brain from MJ smoking or ingestion.

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