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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

I amazes me how folks just don't have an idea of what is precious and important.  If folks think that is going to stop at chicken then they better think again.  Vegetarians may have to eat franken food  as well. Actually it has started with GM.  


Could we have Solyent Green on the table one day?


Where's the stop sign going to be. Who owns it?










Fast Food Of The Future - KFC 3D Printed Nuggets

Mar 26, 2021

1.01K subscribers




Post Anything  21 hours ago

wow just wow, it would explain why Gates bought up all all the US and Canadian farms.

Johnnys Listv  23 hours ago

Agenda 21


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Voltanary   20 hours ago

Indeed Indeed...
so fricking blatant now...

sheep herder  1 day ago

nah I'll pass...I've seen the robots both KFC and McDonald's use to process their food and this is definitely the direction these fuqwits are heading in. the main stream lying machine editing to cast the message of acceptance and the sheople follow. 🙄



Unbelievable the comments on TV. Surely they have to be deliberately accepted. Surely this article must be a hoax.




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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

And you call this ' discussion ' - get a grip. 🙄

Message 41 of 51
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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

@davewil1964 wrote:

So you've read the book? Or only seen the movie? Unlike most movie adaptations it doesn't even use the title of the book as the sole referent.



Book's on my list.





Soylent Green is the Pink Slime of Today!
06.08.2021 Author:  Henry Kamens   


This past year, I’ve heard the movie “Soylent Green” referenced countless times. It especially hits home when it comes to environmental concerns, and how some pundits, including Bill Gates, advocate that rich countries, such as the United States and Western Europe, should switch to eating 100 percent synthetic beef.


However the issues it raises go deeper than that. Ponder for a moment this quote  by Bill Gates:


I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.


Few had ever heard of Soylent Green the movie before the COVID crisis, but it brings us up to where we are now. As with COVID and the response to it, the actual measures being proposed are nothing to do with protecting the environment, saving cows or eliminating threats to humanity.


Rather they are about how to control the population by pretending to care for their health. We have not moved on from Bill Clinton’s partial apology  for the notorious Tuskegee experiment, which was an attempt to hide what actually went on, and what the US really should be apologising for, but still scandalously refuses to.


To read more please click on the below link



Soylent: Don’t mention the GM word

Published: 19 October 2016


Since consumers suffered violent symptoms after eating “proudly made with GMOs” Soylent meal replacement bars, the mainstream media has mysteriously stopped mentioning GM in connection with the product

The article below makes many apt observations on the recent story of how Soylent meal replacement bars made people sick and then were subjected to a product recall.

But it shares the fault of other mainstream media coverage of this story. That is, it doesn’t mention GM, in spite of the fact that Soylent prominently advertises its products as “proudly made with GMOs”.


To read more please click on the below link




Unbelievable and horrifying!!! I recall sometime back there was a request for Australian food products that were either GM or contained GM ingredients to be labelled as such. No surprise that howard opposed things that would keep us safe.

Message 42 of 51
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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

Do you know that in the original book, soylent green has nothing to do with GM or artificial ingredients?  Do you know what it was?  

Message 43 of 51
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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

Poor old Charlton would be wetting himself by now. 😀

Message 44 of 51
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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

@ambercat16 wrote:

Do you know that in the original book, soylent green has nothing to do with GM or artificial ingredients?  Do you know what it was?  


Yes I knew that the movie had little relationship with the book.  I've never read it but was aware of it.


Below is a clip that I was led to by a YT comment. Good review by the channel host.


I'm sure the writers who make a comparison between what's in the movie and GM and frankensteinfoods today know that as well.


Harry Harrison's Make Room! Make Room!

Feb 11, 2019
1.45K subscribers
Hello! Today we are going to be looking at the 1966 dystopian Sci-Fi work that inspired the movie Soylent Green starring Charlton Heston. The book is a lot different than the film, and has a very different, sweeping feel to it, despite barely clocking in at 200+ page


So we're talking about the movie OK. Well, you'll be shocked to learn what goes into food and what kind of disgusting creations exist.

Message 45 of 51
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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

-. Well, you'll be shocked to learn what goes into food and what kind of disgusting creations exist.

Doesn't concern me... I eat from the four major food groups every week.


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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

Seems the one who seems totally concious of his ' food ' intake - additives - fluoride - GMthingys - as stated in the OP - is into ' FAST FOOD ' . 😀

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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

The film Soylent Green is so far removed from the novel on which it is "based" that I didn't really connect the two plot-wise. Yes, there's a mistress/concubine called Shirl... Yes, there's a friend called Sol (but they've changed his last name and his job and his entire personality)... The racketeer "Big Mike" is turned into a rich Soylent Corporation board member called Simonson ... but there really aren't the Eldsters (forced into retirement), the cycling to charge the very limited appliances, the simple stealing of soylent (soy and lentil) steaks for profit, the apocalypse theme, the NYE party...


The protagonist is given the name Frank Thorn instead of Andy Rusch.


Instead of being a dystopian tale of massive overpopulation, energy crises, water shortages, the desire for the end of the world by one of the characters (doomsdayer? but not a prepper; he just wants the end of the world to happen!), and the enormous discrepancies between the wealthy and the ordinary people, it's taken some of those elements but only as a backdrop to a dying ocean's depleted plankton resulting in the secret use of human corpses as food. This is so melodramatic and ridiculous; it completely eclipses the real and serious issues which the novel tackled.


I don't mind the film on its own level, acknowledging that it is incredible in the real sense of that word. The line "Soylent Green is people!" has become something of a catchphrase. The novel is definitely better, but it is not among my favourite s/f works. It does leave a depressing sense of hopelessness in its wake, and having once read it, a reader is likely not to forget it immediately or shake off the pall generated by the reading in the next month... but it doesn't compare against a truly great work tackling a dystopian future, such as Nineteen Eighty-Four. It doesn't pretend to - and for that matter, it doesn't have to. Not everything has to be great literature.


When I finished reading Make Room! Make Room! (the story on which Soylent Green is based), I felt low-spirited and grimy. When I finished reading Nineteen Eighty-Four, I was ... well, I was seated in a chair, and I leapt to my feet and found my lips were moving, saying "No, it's not true, don't think it". As Winston Smith's mind said what I was begging him not to say, I found tears pouring down my face. In my imagination for years afterwards, I "rewrote" that ending. I tried to make Winston Smith contemplate those last words ironically or refute them with the remnants of his free self... I tried to make him refuse to have those words in his mind... It affected me very deeply.


That, I think, is the difference. A great work takes up lodging in one's soul, while a work that's not meant to reach so deeply is just a temporary tenant, perhaps even just a visitor who's come for tea.





Soylent Green is not genetically modified food. In the book, there's no such thing as Soylent Green - just soylent steaks which, as the name suggests, are vegan manufactured "steaks". In the film, Soylent Green was once plankton and is now dead humans. Again, not genetically modified.


There are sound arguments against genetically modifying foods, and arguments for some modification. I infinitely prefer selectively breeding crops, fruits and vegetables, rather than GM; to what extent genetic engineering can be used without a silent long-term risk is an ongoing debate and will probably always have to be gauged on a case-by-case basis.

Message 48 of 51
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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

Humans have been altering the genetics of plants for thousands of years through the slow process of cross-breeding between crops. Today, scientists can take a shortcut to modify plants by editing their DNA in a lab setting.

Chances are, you've eaten GMO foods without even realizing it – in 2018, around 92% of corn and 94% of soybeans grown in the US came from genetically modified seeds.

The process of creating a GMO plant is complex, but it follows these basic steps:

  1. Researchers identify the genes in a plant that cause specific traits, such as resistance to insects.
  2. They then make copies of these insect resistance genes in a lab.
  3. Scientists next insert the gene copies into the DNA of another plant's cells.
  4. These modified cells are then used to grow new, insect-resistant plants that will go through various reviews and tests before they are sold to farmers.

"GMOs are designed to be extra — extra healthy, extra fast-growing, and extra resistant to weather or pests," says Megan L. Norris, PhD, a biomedical researcher at the UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Because scientists can select the most ideal traits to include in GMO crops, there are many advantages of modified foods, including:

GMOs may have fewer pesticides. Many GMO crops have been altered to be less vulnerable to insects and other pests. For example, Bt-corn is a GMO crop that has a gene added from Bacillus thuringiensis, a naturally occurring soil bacteria. This gene causes the corn to produce a protein that kills many pests and insects, helping to protect the corn from damage. 

"Instead of having to be sprayed with a complex pesticide, these crops come with an innate 'pesticide'," Norris says.

This means that farmers don't need to use as much pesticide on crops like Bt-corn – a 2020 study found that farmers with GMO crops reduced their pesticide use by 775.4 million kilograms (8.3%) between 1996 and 2018. The use of fewer pesticides in crops may lead to fewer health risks for people eating them and less damage to the environment.

GMOs are usually cheaper. GMO crops are bred to grow efficiently – this means that farmers can produce the same amount of food using less land, less water, and fewer pesticides than conventional crops. 

Because they can save on resources, food producers can also charge lower prices for GMO foods. In some cases, the costs of foods like corn, beets, and soybeans may be cut by 15% to 30%.

GMOs may have more nutrients. Certain GMO crops are designed to provide more nutrients like vitamins or minerals. For example, researchers have been able to create a modified form of African corn that contains: 

  • 2 times as much folate when compared to traditional crops 
  • 6 times as much vitamin C when compared to traditional crops 
  • 169 times more beta-carotene than traditional crops. 

This may be especially helpful in regions where people suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

GMO crops can offer many advantages in costs and nutrition, but some experts worry that they carry health risks, as well.

GMOs may cause allergic reactions. Because GMO foods contain DNA from other organisms, it's possible that the new DNA can trigger allergies in people who wouldn't normally be allergic to the food. 

In one instance, a GMO soybean crop created using DNA from a Brazil nut was unsafe for people with nut allergies and couldn't be released to the public.

However, GMO foods go through extensive allergen testing, so they shouldn't necessarily be riskier than conventional crops.

GMOs may increase antibiotic resistance. When GMO scientists insert new DNA into plant cells, they will often add in an additional gene that makes the modified cells resistant to antibiotics. They can then use an antibiotic to kill off any plant cells that didn't successfully take in the new DNA.

However, researchers are finding that these antibiotic-resistant genes don't always go away once you digest GMO foods, but can actually be passed through your feces into sewage systems. Some experts worry that these genes may be absorbed into harmful bacteria found in sewers or your gut that can cause serious illnesses like staph infections. This means that the usual antibiotic treatments would be powerless against these new super-bacteria.

Not all experts agree on this concern, however – some scientists argue that this type of gene transfer is very unlikely and there is little risk to humans.

Message 49 of 51
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Not yet Solyent Green but with fools it will get there! Fast Food Of The Future

@imastawka wrote:

Boss?  I thought they were the same person






i do not think so


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