Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

Sometime in early 2007, the Craft Board quilters got together and organised a Block Swap. We had to design and prepare enough blocks to make a quilt for ourselves, provide the first block completed and send the package on to the other crafty people in the swap.
We each completed a block in everyone's set.
My quilt was for my grandsons' bedroom in my home. I set a theme of teddy bears and boy's toys.
Most of these quilts have been finished for some time....... but.... I could not make a decision on how to do mine until recently.
I learned so much in that year and can't thank everyone who was involved enough! My applique skills are much improved.
So, thank you ♥
T Hugs
I have also sewn the labels of the blockmakers onto the back of the quilt, behind the relevant blocks.
I made mine into a quillow, a quilt that folds into a pillow, so one of the blocks is on the back of the quilt and when folded into it, becomes a pillow.
My 3 yo grandaughter looked at it and said "Gran, that is brilliant" and that is a good recommendation, so I have to thank everyone who was involved.
Pics in post 1
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

Community Member
Note to self...make some quilting rules
rule one.. if not in mood do not chop up fabric...
rule two..ban husbands from speaking whilst choppin up fabric when not in mood
rule three...do not yell profanity when u realise what muckup u have done cause it scares OH..
rule four remember this is FUN

Oh My! Puts arm around Setipus and offers her the Snickers back half licked! Cheer up! You have just cut some nice patches for a Crazy Block! Yay!!!!

Hello there Lill_Shazz. Maybe Setipus will gladly share her Snickers with you too?
Message 541 of 1,973
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

Community Member
Specially being licked an all!:^O
Message 542 of 1,973
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

Community Member
Note to self...make some quilting rules
rule one.. if not in mood do not chop up fabric...
rule two..ban husbands from speaking whilst choppin up fabric when not in mood
rule three...do not yell profanity when u realise what muckup u have done cause it scares OH..
rule four remember this is FUN

Bahahahaha!!! Oh what fun awaits:^O
Message 543 of 1,973
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

Community Member
aww april reigns, thats so nice of you to share a half licked snickers, thats quilting friendships for ya.:^O

slinks to the back of the classroom with
a half sucked lolly and a basket of ufo's
Message 544 of 1,973
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

Community Member
Oh my goodness, was this a good idea? 😐 Snigger on ladies...good to know you have all been here before me though, and you seem for the most part to be reasonalbly sane (?):^O

No matter..............

Went to buy 1/4 inch foot today from specialty shop and inquired all innocent like about quilting machines...oh he had a really good one,,,only $2200!! (The other was at Spotlight and a mere $1700)...maybe I'll see if I can join two pieces of fabric together before I commit.


Anyway, fabric washed and dried, tomorrow another day off, cut cut I go!
Hmmm...saw the quilting gloves, is that in case you slice your finger off cutting?

Oh and just found out about a quilting teacher in my immediate area...didn't think there were any. Got the card:-)
Message 545 of 1,973
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

Community Member
Just remember that rotary cutters are super sharp !! and keep fingers away from the edge of your ruler and and you will be fine...did you get a quarter inch foot ?
in regards to my snickers only to happy to pass it round.it's more preloved than half licked..sounds much nicer doncha think
Message 546 of 1,973
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

Community Member
Yummmm!!!:^O Actually not fussy, pre-loved, pre-licked, slightly dog-haired...all good!!!!

Yup the man said it was a quarter inch foot. Looks much like the feet I already have, but paid my $30 and took it believing him anyway:^O
Message 547 of 1,973
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

g'day, all

know nothin' about these things, but i've got a question.

usually, quilts appear to be made out of some sorta' cotton materials.
anyone ever made a quilt usin' old blanket squares sewn together, do you reckon they'd look any good.
Message 548 of 1,973
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

Community Member
l think they would look interesting not an eloi
why not have a try, you might suprise yourself
and come up with a winner all round.

*post pics please*:-)
Message 549 of 1,973
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Re: Old Chinwag Craft Board Block Swap 2007

bumble fingers, rosy. lol

what's the set-up, to make one of these things,
what's the first step.
Message 550 of 1,973
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