One country

Community Member

This rubbish only serves to divide.
Personally I get sick of hearing from people who live in NSW saying how great they are and the rest of the country is nothing
Message 1 of 31
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Re: One country

Community Member
Are there any other insights into my thinking, oh please doctor.
I obviously know nothing about myself.
Unlike your most learned self
Message 21 of 31
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Re: One country

@marwi_3023 wrote:
Are there any other insights into my thinking, oh please doctor.
I obviously know nothing about myself.
Unlike your most learned self

Hope you bowed down when you wrote that post lol

Message 22 of 31
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Re: One country

Community Member
I am on bended knee with birch branch in hand and bare breasted
Message 23 of 31
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Re: One country

@marwi_3023 wrote:
Are there any other insights into my thinking, oh please doctor.
I obviously know nothing about myself.
Unlike your most learned self

Not sure who your post was directed at as you dont seem to understand that you need to click the reply button of the person you are adressing rather than talking to yourself.


My post was in answer to your musings on why dave has the support and respect of other forum users, even when they may have opposing views. It made no references to you at all.


In a nutshell, I suspect the reason david has the respect and support of other forum posters is becuase he is genuine in his views, rather than blindly following some contrived, moronic ideology pushed by one group or another onto their blind sheep followers. He is also willing to at least give consideration to other view points and if he does not agree, give some genuine, constructive reasons why not.

Message 24 of 31
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Re: One country

Perhaps IF you didnt lecture and "speak down to the peasants", we "may" take more notice of your musings ๐Ÿ™‚



Not so sure re the tall stories lol

Message 25 of 31
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Re: One country

Community Member
I'm at a loss to understand what "group" it is I'm following.
I appreciate the deprecating description.
I have never been accepted by any group.
Can you please let me know how I contact this group.
My last girlfriend said that she had never met anyone so on the outer and critical of everything that there can't be another person like me and she is a social worker
Message 26 of 31
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Re: One country

Community Member
You never comprehend the whole post do you chameleon.
Where was the respect for David when he was abused for posting ABC online links?
Also if your veiled descriptions are not directed to me then to whom are they directed?
I'm in Adelaide for Christmas and would love to buy you a beer.
Then we could discuss things with out me being dobbed into the mods.
Then you could meet the real me not the heavily censored version that exists here
Message 27 of 31
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Re: One country

@marwi_3023 wrote:
I'm at a loss to understand what "group" it is I'm following.
I appreciate the deprecating description.
I have never been accepted by any group.
Can you please let me know how I contact this group.
My last girlfriend said that she had never met anyone so on the outer and critical of everything that there can't be another person like me and she is a social worker

Your unquestioning faith in anything the Labor party says or does and by your own admission your hatred of anything the Liberals say or do does not suggest a rational, questioning point of view.


Both parties have their strengths and weaknesses and as I have mentioned many times on other threads, Australia needs both parties to hold office to re-balance the failings of their opposition. You have called me closed minded on several occasions recently, but I accept and in fact support the need for Labor governments to attain power at times to redress the very obvious social damage caused by the Liberals ecenomic centred policies. I also understand the need for the Liberals to come in and clean up the messes left by the poorly thought out and implemented policies of Labor.


While I may hold some conservative views, such as encouraging those who can look after themselves to do so, and I support small government, I also hold strong " Labor type " views that those who are unable to work through disability, age or simple structural unemployment, should be genuinely supported by society. I can also see the growing disparity between the rich and everyone else and can see that our current ecenomic systems are encouraging this disparity, rather than redressing it. Certianly not right wing conservative views.


Its true I cant stand Bill Shorten, and some of this relates to the questions of wether he raped a young woman while in university. He has never taken the legal steps to address this issue, and as such, I dont believe he should hold one of the highest offices in the land until the accusations have been tested in court and he is found to be innocent. There is enouigh evidence that something may have happened to keep a large police investigation going for over 12 months, and poice have only stated that due to the length of time since the alledged incident, they dont have enough evidence to proceed to formal charges. If he was willing to have the matter tested in court and was cleared I would be accepting of him being elected prime minister if that is the peoples wishes. 

Message 28 of 31
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Re: One country

Community Member
You are wrong about me having unquestionable faith in Labor.
I hate all politicians.
I hate conservative politicians much more.
I don't generally vote Labor but would never and have never voted conservative.
I've only voted Labor back when I was driving Trams in Adelaide.
The Liberal government were going to privatise the Trams because it was the only public transport that made money back then and privatisation doesn't work, look at electricity.
Maybe your not closed minded but conservatives by definition are.

Message 29 of 31
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Re: One country

Community Member
You also come across as weak when you call me names and then claim that you haven't
You accuse me of not being adult but how is your name calling any different.
I'm not that weak that I'll fob you into the mods.
I fight my own battles
Message 30 of 31
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