Opinions ?

Ok so thought I'd ask complete strangers what they think.  As many of you know I spend a great deal of time caring both for my own girls and in a voluntary capacity with children at risk.  I have just finished a dip in counselling and also have an associate diploma. I am thinking of doing a social welfare degree but am limited because I can't get out of the house easily for extended times. So I am again thinking of doing one by distance.  So here's the thing, those closest to me think that while I have the capacity to achieve this my girls should be my focus and since there is a good chance I may not work full time that I should just concentrate on them.


I disagree, why should I be limited why can't I focus on them as well as achieving other things that put me in good stead for employment later down the track?  Some argue that I have enough qualifications as it is to obtain employment again, so why push it. But I like to think outside the boundaries others set for me!! 


I don't know maybe I should take a year off and think about it?  Decisions, decisions....

Message 1 of 22
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Re: Opinions ?

Tell them its none of their business and go ahead and do what makes you happy.

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Message 2 of 22
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Re: Opinions ?

You're a woman. You can do anything. And you can do a million things at once.


If the course is by distance, then what is the issue? You can take your time and you don't have to leave the house.


Study isn't always about getting a job. It is as much about using your brain, learning new things, understanding your world better.


And to top it off - your girls will be proud that their mum managed to get a degree later in life. It sets an example to them that life is not limited.


Just do it.


Message 3 of 22
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Re: Opinions ?

Thanks, appreciate that positive feed back.  I agree Martini with your statement re study and a big reason I want to continue with my education is because I not only have an interest in this area but I want to extend myself and learn new skills.


I think I will start by obtaining some information about the course and what will work for me and go from there! Thank you for the encouragement ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 4 of 22
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Re: Opinions ?

I have a friend who is studying marine biology. I dont think she ever intends pursuing it as a career, its just something she's interested in.

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Message 5 of 22
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Re: Opinions ?

Community Member

do whatever it is you feel is right for you.


you have every right to study and educate yourself in an area you have an interest in.

Message 6 of 22
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Re: Opinions ?

My nephew did a wine course by took him 7yrs. he is now a qualified wine maker and works at one of the big wineries in Great Western.


Bella, you have to do what is right for you, not what others think you should do.

Message 7 of 22
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Re: Opinions ?

I took a wine course, it's taken me (so far) 35 years.  I'm still on the practical component though, I'll move to the theory soon.

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Message 8 of 22
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Re: Opinions ?

But seriously though OP, listen to what your heart tells you, not those around you.   They have a different agenda.   You know what's best for your kids and how to juggle your responsibilities.

Good luck.

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Message 9 of 22
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Re: Opinions ?

i did ventriloquism by correspondence, which was very confusing. and like the other's say, you ought to do it.

Message 10 of 22
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