I am becoming fascinated with Perth!


Tell me everything! What are the nice areas? What's not so nice?


Is East Victoria Park a nice area? What about Mt Lawley?


How cold does it get in winter? Many people? Is it busier now?


Why have you got sandy soil over there? Is it everywhere? LOL



Pictures please 😄

Message 1 of 129
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I thought Fremantle was just beautiful.


and it is rosieglen :^O


....and interesting with some great architecture


....and cosmopolitan with a great arts and music culture


....and historical (in WA terms)

Message 21 of 129
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Community Member

Nothing strange about my comment Joz.


I have lived in some very beautiful places around the world and within Australia and, in my opinion, the beauty of Western Australia is in it's diversity of scenery.  From the Tingle forests and the fantastic beaches in the south to the pindan soils of the north, we have it all here in the one state!


You just need to open your eyes and extend your travels beyond Perth and the immediate surrounds to see and experience it.

Message 23 of 129
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strange comment mtn, ive travelled north of W.A as far as broome, the trip was filled with great scenery hey, thats if you like the look of the desert

Signatures suck.
Message 24 of 129
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Community Member

Nothing strange about my comment Joz.


You just need to broaden your horizons and find out that desert and the magic it holds is NOT the only thing WA has to offer.


If you are not interesting in doing that - well, there is always the road east :^O

Message 25 of 129
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strange comment mtn, i dont need to take your suggestion on both counts. 




Signatures suck.
Message 26 of 129
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I've lived here in Perth all my life bar 3 years. I have travelled a lot and whilst I love other places I would not live anywhere else. The only thing is I hate the heat. There is beauty everywhere.


and I've just come to the realisation that I do not take many photo's around our city and those that I have have family members in them. I have a couple here from out of the city. This one is from near the wind farm in Albany. Great walkway.


Message 27 of 129
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everytime i take a drive im reminded by lush beautiful scenery of the eastern states, perhaps i'll never get used to the desert look of W.A


You obviously don't drive very far south, Joz. Mr Elephant and I went on a day trip yesterday down to Manjimup and Donnelly River. Not much desert down there - just lush green farms and miles and miles of jarrah forest.

Message 28 of 129
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strange comment ele, ive also spent time in Dwellingup and the surrounding areas, marroning sking etc. it nice nice down there. We are talking about Perth though arent we? and i was speaking of the look of W.A in general too.

Signatures suck.
Message 29 of 129
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Best view of any big city is the one you get in your rear vision mirror as you drive away from them 😄



Message 30 of 129
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