on 10-03-2013 11:33 AM
You know when you get those moments where you feel you just have to scream? (even if it's an internal scream?)..... I'm having one of those lately....(lets call it an extended moment).....Doesn't have to be much that does it, but it's the last straw kinda thing?
The temperamental weather, Fires, floods, cyclones, bills, global warming (isn't everything about Global warming?)....Politics, crime, more bills, droning pollies, diminishing hospital services, more crime & more bills....Till you can't find ya bum with both hands....let alone think straight?
You look on the bright side till your eyes bleed, but eventually the BS meter tips to overload & you turn into a ballistic missile?? What 'cheeses you off' & tips your BS meter to overload?
on 10-03-2013 01:05 PM
You know what annoys me? Board members that use the wink smiley to add insult to injury with their sarcastic comments.
😉 eergh
on 10-03-2013 06:47 PM
OK then...moving right along...:^O (are laughy faces OK?)
on 10-03-2013 06:49 PM
OMG! Where did you get my photo from? 😮 :^O
ha.....she resembles everyone at one point or another....(like me today...lol)
on 10-03-2013 06:52 PM
I think mine came today... after 2 hours listening to my OH bang on about bringing his dad to live with us....... apparently he only has the symptoms of dementia... not real dementia. 😐
on 10-03-2013 06:58 PM
If you have a garage, consider turning that into a flat, so at least he keeps his independence and you keep yours.....!!!
We lined ours with gyprock and put in a bathroom and kitchen so guests wouldn't have to stay in the house and could have their own routine without either of us upsetting the ship.
on 10-03-2013 07:05 PM
He is in a high care secure unit in a nursing home. Has been for 3 1/2 weeks.
That would have been a good idea 3 yrs ago. 🙂
on 10-03-2013 07:38 PM
We had to do the same with my OH's dad...his mum couldn't cope anymore = she's not a nurse and has enough of her own health problems. It was really hard because when he was in his right mind, he knew where he was and it made him miserable. He actually asked the MIL to shoot him...lol. Always had a sense of humour. Unfortunately he passed on recently, but I've been researching his father's service medals i.e. the OH's grandfather. Works out he was Navy Police = Gibbs - NCIS.....lol
We've been having a laugh about that all day.
on 10-03-2013 08:04 PM
I think mine came today... after 2 hours listening to my OH bang on about bringing his dad to live with us....... apparently he only has the symptoms of dementia... not real dementia. 😐
sorry to be so dumb, what does OH mean, I,m thinking " other husband" which might not be such a bad thing sometimes.
on 10-03-2013 08:10 PM
OH= other half...MIL is mother in law. Don't ya just hate text speak?
on 10-03-2013 08:40 PM
:^O Other husband.... one is enough, hahaha
I love my father in law..... he is a lovely man, a real gentleman his whole life, never a bad word to say about anyone.
His wife.... well, she disapproved of me from day 1....I stuck a smile on my face and lived with it for many years. ( and kept our children away from her as much as possible) At around the 20 year mark, she suddenly decided to like me 😮
so, it paid off.... the smile and tongue biting. :8} because she was my OH's mum. She wasn't a monster.... just a bit..... judgemental.