on 07-01-2015 09:44 AM
It's a long time since I've posted, but I am desperate for any help and advice.
I am 53 and in September was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. I have had a whipple procedure which took 81/2 hours of surgery, but unfortunately, they were unable to remove all the cancer as it had attached itself to an artery. This procedure was done in November and yet I am still feeling so unwell.
I have been to see an oncologist twice and I am due to start chemo in the next week. Both times I have seen the oncologist, I have gone home and just cried and cried, as he has given me nothing positive to hold on too.
I am absolutely devastated by my diagnosis as they have told me they can't cure me and only 1 in 5 will get through to the end of chemo treatment. I know everyone says to stay positive, but I have been given nothing positive to hold on to and I just can't stop crying.
If you have been through this type of cancer and procedure, please post for me, I really need to talk to people who understand what I am going through and if what I am feeling is normal.
on 29-01-2015 05:07 PM
on 29-01-2015 05:13 PM
on 29-01-2015 05:15 PM
on 30-01-2015 01:15 PM
I'm so very sorry to read about your diagnosis. Whilst I have not personally suffered with this condition I did have a friend who had it. She also underwent a Whipple procedure, she had some complications though and was in hospital for quite some time before being discharged and having chemo.
Unfortunately it's one of those cancers that is very hard to eradicate as your specialist has said.
However miracles sometimes happen and lets hope you get one.
If not I will pray that your treatment gives you quality time to do what you want to do, and hopefully the side effects will be minimal.
04-02-2015 11:41 AM - edited 04-02-2015 11:42 AM
Hope your body is tolerating the treatment better
on 06-02-2015 08:46 AM
I have just had my third dose of chemo even though they had to lower the dosage because my blood tests weren't great, but at least I got through it all again.
My hair has started coming out already, so my sister took me to have my hair cut short, so it's not as noticeable.
Still sleeping a lot and still a lot of pain from my surgery, but I'm hanging in there.
Thanks so much for all the support, especially mb. It means more than I can say.
Deb xxx
on 06-02-2015 01:15 PM
Hi Deb,
Great to hear from you and glad to hear you got through round 3.
Sorry to hear you're still in pain from the op - sleeping can be good though as it helps the body repair itself, just be sure to do a few special little things for yourself & for pleasure.
I hope I'm not being too presumptuous here, but having read your message regarding your hair loss & having it cut short, went and did a really quick search and found this site which I thought may be handy down the track (sorry, not sure that I have added it properly as a link, but I'm sure you can cut & paste it) I'm sure there would be other places around you can compare too.
these days there are some beautiful items available - they even look sexy !! Of course there's always wigs, but I rather like the look of the scarves etc and they're not as hot to wear & probably way less expensive - so you could have a couple maybe
Take care of yourself, eat well, sleep as much as your body tells you to, try & do at least one special thing for yourself everyday and keep in touch
06-02-2015 01:23 PM - edited 06-02-2015 01:25 PM
I haven't posted before but I have followed your thread since it started, and rarely pass a day without thinking of you and wishing you well.
on 14-02-2015 05:16 PM
Thinking of you and sending best wishes from us all
on 15-02-2015 03:12 AM
@mybluestang wrote:It's a long time since I've posted, but I am desperate for any help and advice.
I am 53 and in September was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. I have had a whipple procedure which took 81/2 hours of surgery, but unfortunately, they were unable to remove all the cancer as it had attached itself to an artery. This procedure was done in November and yet I am still feeling so unwell.
I have been to see an oncologist twice and I am due to start chemo in the next week. Both times I have seen the oncologist, I have gone home and just cried and cried, as he has given me nothing positive to hold on too.
I am absolutely devastated by my diagnosis as they have told me they can't cure me and only 1 in 5 will get through to the end of chemo treatment. I know everyone says to stay positive, but I have been given nothing positive to hold on to and I just can't stop crying.
If you have been through this type of cancer and procedure, please post for me, I really need to talk to people who understand what I am going through and if what I am feeling is normal.
I was torn as to whether I should answer this post. But you have reached out for help from people who understand your condition. And while I have misgivings about revealing personal things about myself, I think your post deserves an answer.
I have no experience with pancreatic cancer but I understand what you are going through. I am 53 years old and I have liver cancer. It is terminal. I was diagnosed a year ago and I will be dead within 2 years. Nevertheless I am happier now than I have been in a long long time.
There is a trick to coping with a terminal disease, and it has nothing to do with bravery or strength of character. The trick is to learn to live without hope.
In my philosophy there are only two things in the world that are true: the first is that everyone dies, and the second is that everyone has to live until they die. Death is a fact of life and what is done with that life is of more significance than the fact of life's ending. Obsessing over impending death does not improve the quality of one's life. Accepting the fact of your death moves you beyond grief and allows you to be happy and contented in your final days.
As to how to move through the 5 stages of grief, I can't help you. My father died several years ago and I was upset. But at the funeral, looking at his empty body in the casket, I did not grieve for him: I grieved for myself. Because I knew that I too would die and I came to accept that fact. Years later when my oncologist told me my cancer was terminal she was more upset that me. I didn't have to move through the stages of grief to acceptance because I was already there.
As for practical advice:
I know my post is not sympathetic and positive. Rereading it, it seems kind of bleak. If some of the things I have written upset you, I am sorry. But I am trying to be helpful. These are the things that have worked for me and I think it may be of some use to you. Otherwise I would not have publicly revealed so many personal things about myself, and wasted an hour of my time doing so.
Finally, I want to say that what is happening to you is not necessarily a bad thing. I am happier now than I was before the diagnosis, and I think it is because the future is scary, and my future now is more certain than it was before the diagnosis. And things could certainly be a lot worse.